Serendipity: January beckons with a new month and year

Stores open, prices slashed, bonus dollars, later hours, payment plans, never better offers, and the hype continues from late summer through December. Before sales, after sales, lowest prices ever, and while we’re still celebrating one season, we’re shoved into the next.

January, particularly in the Midwest, has a way of bringing the mayhem to a jarring, sometimes snow-covered halt. With its promise of do overs, start overs, and leave the past behind, January beckons with a new month and year. We don’t just flip over the calendar page, we begin with a fresh page on a new calendar.

An entire year stretches out before us with mystery, promises, possibilities and that difficult and elusive commitment to make this the year of improvement and changes. Wisdom calls for the healthier lifestyle to begin before a medical emergency makes it a catastrophic necessity. Some of us maintain our cars with more care and diligence than we do our bodies. Whatever our less than stellar habits, we can always do better. We may not eradicate all the negative effects of poor choices, but we can certainly improve our situation.

Mention healthy choices and the word exercise lights up in our minds followed by a grimace and feeling of guilt. Why is vigorous movement for a sustained period of time so difficult? Myriad studies emphasize the necessity of physical exercise. Still we procrastinate or simply refuse to heed the advice. Easier to pop a pill trying to compensate for our sedentary lifestyle. But no pill works magic. We’re designed to stretch, bend, move, and get going. If we refuse, we suffer the consequences.

Then there’s the issue of food, which is the nemesis for many of us. Calories, carbs, fat grams, reduced fiber, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol producing morsels distort food, originally designed to fortify and nourish, beyond recognition. We’ve fried, stacked, oversized, and added sauce and supplements so we barely remember the original item. Those once nutritious vittles are now stripped of their original nutrients and cause us to be larger than ever but often mal-nourished. A back to basics approach could lessen our girth and remedy many of our ailments. We’re adaptive by nature, although healthy eating takes some getting used to. It’s not that we can’t, but that we won’t or we don’t.

In addition to our physical well-being, there’s the emotional and spiritual tranquility we’re hoping to discover. After the heightened frenzy of the previous months, January and February offer respite and opportunities to discover and/or enhance our bodies and souls. Some folks live their lives always starting over, but failing to sustain good intentions. It’s challenging knowing what to minimize and when to maximize. We can read endless literature and latest studies, but sometimes the best approach is to simplify. Walk away from the buffet bonanza and out the door for a walk. Half-pound burgers with special sauce accompanied by fries will never be the healthy entrée, but living well will always provide the ultimate in satisfaction and contentment.

Eat less, move often, love much, pray more, and follow the path for which we were created. Invite family and friends along on the journey. We’re social creatures searching for joy, peace, and fulfillment. May this New Year overflow with all that is good.

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