Author Archive for Dale Goodner

A flock-alypse Now?

It’s been called a portent, a sign, and even “aflockalypse.”  2011 started with dead birds mysteriously falling from the sky, not just in one area, but literally all over the world. Thousands of birds have been falling from the sky…

Pray to God … But Row Toward Shore

John Shimkus, Republican representative from Illinois, proclaimed recently, during a congressional hearing, that there is no need to worry about global warming because of a promise God made to Noah. With God protecting us from the awful consequences of climate…

Take an Inch … Give Back a Mile

Thanksgiving, I’m afraid, has too often had a lot more to do with satiation than with appreciation. As kids we would gorge on Mom’s fruit salad. The turkey and potatoes just finished the job of stuffing ourselves. The resulting discomfort…

Down on the farm

Babysitting… done that. House-sitting… been there. But it’s not every day you get to farm sit. This September, my wife, Mary, and I stayed at the farm of some friends, and took care of the critters and plants while they…

Now do you get it?

Sarah Palin has a flair for irony. According to her, the Gulf oil spill illustrates why we should do more drilling.  She points out athe blown out well, and spewing oil, were due, not to inept drilling or lack of…

Plant Parenthood

Our house was built in 1932.  We purchased it from the original owner whose father had farmed the land between Sheridan Road and University, near Forest Hill. According to her son, ours was the only house in the subdivision in…

If It Walks Like A Duck…

“It’s ugly.” The lady was having trouble describing a bird that was visiting her bird feeder, but she wanted me to identify it. I asked if she could be more specific. She added, “it’s the ugliest bird I’ve ever seen.”…