Author Archive for Kamara Taylor

Kamara Taylor

Kneeling for equality I’m often asked by eager learners who, out of respect, would like to know my intellectual stance on players kneeling during the national anthem. Growing up as a young inner city youth in Chicago and now being…

Kamara Taylor

The shadow of a bullet Mother’s Day weekend in May 2000, my life drastically changed. My 20-year-old brother Michael Taylor was shot one time in the abdomen by a rookie Chicago police officer, Nail Majid. I often wonder if terrorism…

Kamara Taylor

I too am America As I ponder what it is to be an American, in a country that has been honorable as a melting pot but also discriminative in its practices, I have often realized that ismism also has been…

Kamara Taylor

The miseducation of the Negro: How minorities and those from poor socioeconomic status are constantly betrayed by the educational system Go to school, learn and work your way out of the ghetto! Those are words of inspiration that poor children,…

Understanding the Complexities of Race and Politics: Did the Tenure of an African-American President Hurt Race Relations In America? We have arrived! In 2008, my grandmother was ecstatic to be a part of history. An African-American man not only ran…

Martin vs. Malcolm Theoretical Perspectives on Why Black Lives Stopped Mattering In America We can all agree that when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, the American people were delusional with the idea that race relations in America…