Letters to the editor

Is your water making you sick?

Lauri Gannon – Peoria, IL Have you recently been suffering from a compromised immune system, respiratory difficulties, congestion, coughing, sneezing, increased allergies, or skin ailments such as itching, roughness, blistering, etc.? Have the fish in your backyard pond died in…

Ironic Headlines

By Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL I’m sure the Suffragists were an ongoing “pain in the neck,” during all those years from when Abigail Adams pleaded with the framers of the Constitution to “remember the ladies … regard us as…

Guest Editorials

Great Guns! Ed Klein, Peoria, IL It’s sad to see those Republicans who are pandering to his eminence, Wayne LaPierre, as they kneel to kiss his ring. What hold does he have on them that they fear to disagree with…