Letters to the editor

Some guest editorials

0213Bring This to the Forefront Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Having followed all the widespread and intense discussions of the national Second Amendment/gun control follow-up to the Newtown tragedy, I keep hoping that Mayor Bloomberg’s argument would come to the…

Guest editorials

Why We Keep on “Keeping On!” Dolores M. Klein Peoria, IL A Texas southerner, Lyndon Johnson, was the President who said “We shall overcome!” on national television – most surely influenced by the Civil Rights Movement. It was President Ronald…

Which Candidate is More Pro-Life?

Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Neither Governor Romney nor President Obama are “pro-abortion.” When governor Romney of Massachusetts defended Roe-Wade as the law of the land, he was not being pro-abortion. Nor is President Obama in defending Roe-Wade, pro-abortion. When…

Editorial page

Should All Women Care? By Dolores M. Klein Was the War on Women just dimwitted blustering? During the national media conversation lately, that assessment made some sense. But now, it’s being called “drop dead shocking” that Pope Benedict has attacked…

Guest editorials

Is ALEC Smart – or NOT? by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL How many of you have heard of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC? Not very many, I’m sure. It is a secretive tax-exempt organization with, as its brochure points out,…

What Was That Again?

by Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Remember when candidate John F. Kennedy, back in the 60’s felt it important to reassure groups of ministers that his being a practicing Catholic would not influence his decisions should be become President? In…

Enjoy It While You Can

by Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL As we see the Holidays “coming at us” all around, we remember too well the hectic-ness, cleaning, cooking and baking, writing Christmas cards, inviting family and friends to celebrations, gathering the Christmas lists from…