Another community tradition to enjoy is the lighted Christmas tree in the lot next to City Hall. Thanks to the Residents Association volunteers.
City Hall will be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 for the holidays.
A cold and icy winter has been forecast. You are reminded that all West Peoria streets are snow routes when 2 or more inches of snow falls; no vehicles are to be parked on the streets until streets have been cleared. Stay tuned to local forecasts or: www.cityofwestpeoria.org for alerts. All vehicles that are obstructing snow removal will be towed at owners’ expense and will be ticketed. No exceptions.
The monthly Neighborhood Watch is 6 p.m. Dec. 15. A program has not been decided at this time.
Lawn waste pickup for the year ends Friday, Dec. 31. For instructions for storm damage pickup between Jan. 1 and April 1, access the city website.
A new feature has been added to the city website. Citizens are able to present concerns they would like to see discussed by texting the city. Click on the suggestion icon at www.cityofWestPeoria.org and explain. Messages go directly to the administration.
i3Broadband is canvassing West Peoria Mondays thru Fridays prior to 8 pm. This service is offered to the entire West Peoria community. Door-to-door solicitations for most organizations and companies are against city ordinances and the solicitors can be ticketed by Code Enforcement or Sheriff’s Department.
You are strongly urged to lock your car doors whenever you park. Cars have been robbed this past year with the advantages of unlocked cars making it easy.
Mayor Dillon, City Council, city staff and all our organizations wish you a healthy and successful new year and thank you for all assistance in 2021.
My best wishes to you all. Take care of you and yours.