It will be held at the City Garage on Hillside Drive. Visit the West Peoria website or watch for flyers to see what will be accepted. This is a good opportunity to get rid of unwanted and electronic items. Be sure and check on what are allowable items. ID’s will be required.
Trash bags will again be sold by Troop 11 with delivery April 18. Thirty-gallon bags in rolls of 20 will be sold for $22. Contact any Troop 11 Boy Scout or Scoutmaster Bob DeSutter at (309) 369-8078 for delivery.
Tentative plans are being made to honor our veterans on Memoria Day weekend at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 28 at the Franciscan Center; further details can be found on the West Peoria website as well as the community Facebook page. This seems a particularly appropriate year to attend as a family.
It’s the time of year to think of being outside and planning block parties. The City will provide barricades and cones to help block traffic if needed. Visit City Hall at least five days prior to your event to secure them. There is no fee.
There have been changes to our largest buildings. At the time of writing, minimal information is all I have. Heddington Oaks is in the process of being sold to Unity Point Health to serve as a juvenile social service center. Much remodeling must be completed before the facility can be occupied. Initially, only half of it will be occupied. Calvin Coolidge Middle School has been renamed Bishop Harold B. Dawson Jr. Middle School in honor and recognition of a Peorian who served our citizens in many ways. It was among the five schools with name changes by the Peoria School Board to present an improved image of our history. The schools are expected to have signage with the new names for the fall semester. Bishop Dawson served for many years in various appointments in Peoria. His final service was as bishop at New Life Christian Church at the intersection of Kellogg and Cedar Avenues. He died in 2019.
Plans are being made for our 50th Fourth of July Parade and Flag Raising which is central Illinois’ longest-running Fourth of July parade. It was missing for two years because of covid restrictions and this year promises to be the biggest ever. T-shirts will be sold to commemorate. Contact City Hall if you wish to participate in the parade or volunteer to help run the event. There are many tasks to cover before, during and after. Fresh details will be found on the city website. You can also learn the process there for nominating this year’s grand marshal.
Spend some extra time getting your home prepped so you and your guests can experience West Peoria at its best. Thousands visit for this special celebration of our country. More information will become available in future issues and electronically.
The Federal mask requirement has a deadline for public transportation. It ends April 18.