RODGER THAT: You’re either a Finch or ‘your’ a Ewell


If we learned one thing from Jan. 6, 2021, it’s why they are not called the “Proud Men.”

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I’m far less likely to be shot during a robbery or home invasion than during a heated debate over concealed carry.

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Not all of my Facebook friends can read my posts. Some have been blocked, and some are Packers fans. (My sports dream is to block for Aaron Rodgers.)

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I like to picture Ray LaHood walking around his home replacing all the pictures of Darin with ones of Adam Kinsinger.

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You can’t see a problem with naming our sports teams after a group of people that we systematically tried to erase? Imagine if Germany did it.

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Atticus Finch faces off with Bob Ewell in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’

The focal point of the house I grew up in was the “Little Room” (not named ironically), which housed a black and white television, couch, comic books, Nerf hoop, sports trading cards, family pictures, army men, Viewmaster, encyclopedias (Britannica, World Book and Science) and almost anything else a fully functioning 8-plus-year-old boy needed. It was where my brother and I were allowed to live.

Late one Saturday night, that’s where I first watched “To Kill a Mockingbird.” It scared the hell out of me and not because of Boo Radley.

The townspeople, farmers and the kids who were on the wrong side of the issue were eye-opening. The negative stereotypes and words thrown about were all too familiar.

It was the moment I realized our lives were inhabited by far many more Ewells than Finches.

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If you “fact check” Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie” it comes back “Pants on fire.”

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I like meeting new people because meeting people I already know seems redundant.

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Our country appears to be equally divided between “you’re an idiot” and “your an idiot.”

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