Remember Aaron Bushnell and his sacrifice for justice, freedom


In the annals of history, there are names that etch themselves into eternity, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of humanity. Aaron Bushnell is one such name. With the sacred season of Ramadan upon us, a time of introspection and spiritual renewal for adherents of the Islamic faith, it is fitting to reflect on the profound sacrifice made by this remarkable individual.

Ramadan is a time when Muslims abstain from food and drink during daylight hours, immersing themselves in prayer, charity, and self-reflection. It is a period of heightened awareness of one’s purpose in life and a recommitment to core values of compassion, justice, and righteousness.


In the midst of this sacred observance, our hearts are heavy with the plight of the people of Gaza, who endure unimaginable suffering and oppression. It is in this context that we remember Aaron Bushnell, a young man who embodied the spirit of sacrifice and solidarity with the oppressed.

As we watched the video of Aaron Bushnell walking to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., it struck us how determined and direct he was. He set up his phone on the ground, and without hesitation poured accelerant over his head and tossed aside the empty bottle with force. He then lit himself on fire and stood there aflame, screaming “Free Palestine! Free Palestine! Free Palestine!” before collapsing.

It all immediately reminded us of the monk Thich Quang Duc, who famously immolated himself in former Saigon in 1963 in protest of the anti-Buddhist policies of the U.S.-puppet regime in South Vietnam. The sacrifice and courage of both men are outstanding in the extreme, given the horrific pain and the terrible finality of their protest.

Bushnell forced all Americans to take a very hard look at the abhorrent evil of the U.S.-backed Israeli occupation. One amazing young man did so much.

His act of self-immolation stands as a stark reminder of the desperate lengths to which individuals are driven in the face of injustice and tyranny. In a world where political leaders remain indifferent to the suffering of the marginalized and disenfranchised, Aaron Bushnell chose to make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the Palestinian people.

It is difficult to comprehend the depth of courage and conviction required to take such a drastic step. Aaron could have pursued a bright future, filled with promise and opportunity. Instead, he chose to stand in solidarity with the victims of oppression, knowing full well the risks involved.

As he lit himself on fire, Aaron’s final words echoed the cry of millions: “Free Palestine.” In that moment, he became a symbol of resistance and defiance against injustice, a beacon of hope for those who continue to struggle for freedom and dignity.

But Aaron’s sacrifice should not be seen in isolation. It is a sobering reminder of the urgent need for action and accountability from those in positions of power. Too often, our leaders remain silent in the face of injustice, allowing corporate interests, corrupt lobbies, and political expediency to dictate policy.

As we honor the memory of Aaron Bushnell, let us also recommit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and righteousness. Let us speak out against oppression and tyranny wherever they may occur, and let us work tirelessly to build a world where the inherent dignity and rights of all people are respected and upheld.

We anticipate that the Almighty will preserve the many young leaders like Aaron Bushnell out there who have amazing lives ahead of them, from putting a period on their lives too early just because policymakers are not making the right decisions and injustice is prevailing.

In this sacred month of Ramadan, may we draw inspiration from Aaron’s example and strive to emulate his courage, compassion, and unwavering commitment to justice. May his sacrifice serve as a catalyst for positive change and a reminder of the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Lawrence Maushard and Imam Mazhar Mahmood from Peoria For Palestine co-authored this article, paying tribute to the memory of our fallen hero Aaron Bushnell. May his legacy perpetually live on.

Imam Mazhar Mahmood serves as the President of Peoria for Palestine and can be found on various social media platforms as “Imam Mazhar Mahmood.” You may reach out to him via email at:

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