Crime rates in Peoria and public safety

The rising number of crimes in Peoria is extremely concerning. According to the Peoria Journal Star, crime rates in the area have increased by 13.5% from last year.

There were 3,630 adults arrested in 2023, which was 10% more compared to 2022. The 564 juveniles arrested in 2023 was 37% more than 2022. It is important that in every community, the people feel safe.

Peoria Academy took a recent field trip to the Capitol building in Springfield, and the Journalism Club interviewed Rep. Travis Weaver about these on-going problems. According to Weaver, who represents the 93rd District in Illinois, “The most concerning kinds of crime in Peoria and surrounding areas are gun violence, carjackings, and abuse against women and children.”

Along with general crime rates in the Peoria area, gun violence has also increased. There were 25 homicides in Peoria in 2023. Nineteen of those homicides were gun-related. According to the Peoria Police Department’s annual report, there were 137 shooting victims in 2023, which was a 29% increase from 2022. According to WCBU, there were more than 2,000 carjackings in Peoria. This includes not only damaging the car but also stealing it.

Peoria’s problems with crime are not just measured by clear statistics. We have also seen an increase in inflation. When prices for everything increase, the pressure on families also increases. We should be focusing on making sure that all people have access to resources, especially during times of inflation. There are many programs and organizations that help people in poverty.

Write to your representative about this issue! It’s another way to help solve this problem. Bringing awareness to the situation by talking to friends and family is key. Through our research we have learned that solving the crime problem is not a simple task. There are many intertwining issues that must be addressed. Even though Peoria’s crime rate is rising, it sheds light on these important issues that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Peoria Academy Journalism Club: Emelia Stevenson and Ammini Guzzardo

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