Peoria Academy Journalism Club: Scary stuff — keys to a safe Halloween

It is now the time of year when leaves are falling and kids are finding their Halloween costumes. Halloween is approaching quickly, but with all the delicious treats, we cannot forget the tricks. The night always starts out fun but can easily turn into a nightmare.

During this spooky holiday, crime rates go up as more people are out and about. In the United States, vandalism crimes rose by 68% on Oct. 31, 2023. Theft increased by 8%, and missing person cases increased by 5%, according to Roughly 3,200 people every year visit the emergency room due to Halloween related injuries — 46% of these injured patients are children. More seriously, 23% of these injuries are related to children being hit by drunk drivers, according to Rosenbaum Injury Law. Between 2017 and 2021, 159 people in the U.S. were killed due to drunk drivers on Halloween night. Some other Halloween-related injuries include allergic reactions and getting cuts or stabs from carving pumpkins, according to CPI security. These are just a few of the many dangers of Halloween.

But do not worry, there are many different ways to keep you and your children safe while celebrating Halloween. If you are going trick or treating when it’s dark out, be cautious of the road. Accidents involving drunk drivers are very common on Halloween night. It is easy to not pay attention to the road. Make sure to check your child’s candy, especially if they have any major allergies. Remember to always read the list of instructions on candy. Stay in your group and do not wander off into the dark of Halloween night.

Even though Halloween can be dangerous, it is still a fun night for kids all across the county. If you are worried about your child, use some of the tips we suggested. But at the end of the night, it is important that we all had fun and came home safe.

— By Ammini Guzzardo, Emelia Stevenson and Amelie Egan,
Peoria Academy Journalism Club

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