The Watch: County plants grant into food desert; City rebuilding Firestation 6



New news! Check out information about the airport and regional planning, governmental bodies now under observation by the League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria.

Peoria County Board

Peoria County Board held its organizational meeting Dec. 2 with all members present. One new board member was sworn in: Marcia McCann (D., Dist. 8) along with recently re-elected incumbents from the even-numbered districts. Members representing odd-numbered districts will stand for election in 2026.

Democrats increased their majority to 11 of the 18 seats. James Dillon (D., Dist. 5) was re-elected board chair on an 18-0 vote, and Sharon Williams (D., Dist. 1) was re-elected vice chair on a 17-1 vote. The board unanimously approved their 2025-2026 Rules of Order.

All members were appointed to one or more of the board’s nine standing committees. Chairs are:

  • Health — Rob Reneau
  • Operations — Steve Rieker
  • Executive — James Dillon
  • Finance, Audit, Legislative Affairs — Sharon Williams
  • Infrastructure — Phil Salzer
  • Land Use — Paul Rosenbohm
  • Public Safety and Justice — Jennifer Groves Allison
  • Rules — James Dillon
  • Ways and Means — Betty Duncan

On Dec. 12 the board met with all members present except Brandy Bryant.

In regular business, the board unanimously approved a $200,000 grant and $200,000 loan to Harvest Supermarket, LLC, opening in the former Aldi building on Western Ave. The grant and loan helped match a state grant, with the final portion being matched by the City of Peoria. This new grocery store helps address the food desert in Peoria’s southern valley.

Also approved unanimously was a $1.6 million bid from Givesco Construction Company to complete renovations of the Peoria Courthouse first floor, including the Treasurer’s office, the Circuit Clerk’s office and Orders of Protection; a zoning case in Rosefield Township; and a service agreement between the county and the Greater Peoria Development Council to administer the broadband program.

Peoria City Council

Peoria’s City Council held a four-hour meeting Nov. 19 with all members present

First up was approval of no more than $10,000 per month to operate the Towers on Adams at 301 S.W. Adams. Vote was 10-1 to approve, with Councilor Denis Cyr opposed.

The remainder of the meeting addressed unauthorized camping on public property within the city, first discussed on Aug. 13. Community Development Director Joe Dulin outlined four questions identified for the council by staff:

  • Should the Council adopt an anti-camping ordinance?
  • Should the Council adopt Option One or Option Two of the proposed ordinance?
  • What would implementation of an anti-camping ordinance look like?
  • What other direction can be provided from materials distributed to council members?

Corporation Counsel Patrick Hayes discussed legal aspects of the ordinance, as well as processes to remove individuals from homeless encampment, fines, anti-discrimination language, and provisions for people banned from shelters. Forgiveness for non-repeat offenders was provided for. Discussion included current housing inventory and impact of encampments on downtown businesses.

Twenty-six individuals spoke on this issue’s impact, lack of permanent housing, health and safety hazards and ability to provide supportive services in addition to criminalizing the homeless.

The ordinance was adopted 6-5, with Councilors Andre Allen, Bernice Gordon-Young, Denise Jackson, Mike Vespa and Mayor Rita Ali voting nay.

On Dec. 10, Councilors approved Nov. 12 Joint City Council and Town Board Proceedings and Nov. 19 Special City Council Proceedings.

Consent agenda passed with brief discussion.

Public works staff and engineers were recognized for upgrading curbs and drainage and water main for Moss Ave. from Western Ave. to Sheridan Rd. in amount $9.6 million. In addition, council okayed sidewalks and ADA ramps in 61605 for $1.42 million.

Council members approved:

  • Purchase of one police canine with specialty in explosives and patrol function to replace canine retiring in January.
  • A $4.38 million bid for demolition and construction of Fire Station 6 on Northmoor Rd. Project starts in January and residents will receive updates.
  • Authorization for City Manager Patrick Urich to negotiate with Innovation Capital, LLC, for investment banking services relating to potential land-based casino and retention of John Elias of Elias, Meginnes & Seghetti for service related to potential land-based casino.
  • Rezoning property at Edmund St. from Class I2 to Class I3 General Industrial District and for a special use for chemical processing. There was much discussion about involvement in community by Jackson, environmental justice leader Tim Bertschy, and others. The measure passed with one nay, Councilor Kiran Velpula. This project will be next to Biourja plant. Safety concerns were discussed; company relocating to Peoria discussed safety record; they have had no explosions/fires and one minor OSHA incident.

Airport Authority

“The Metropolitan Airport Authority of Peoria (MAAP) is a municipal corporation created under the laws of the State of Illinois. With a total operating budget of approximately $5.7 million, MAAP owns and operates two airports: the General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport on the southwest edge of the City of Peoria, and the Mt. Hawley Auxiliary Airport on the northern edge of the city.”

Authority board members met Dec. 16 at Mt. Hawley Airport, with seven of nine commissioners present. The board approved construction and bidding agreements for the new control tower. The board authorized channeling Taxiway A Grants through federal agencies.

Construction at Mt. Hawley is completed, according to reports to the board. November financial statements were approved and November was a record-setting month for General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport. Allegiant’s numbers have been increasing and Allegiant is getting new planes. Parking lots were full at Thanksgiving, but did not max out.

Dunlap District 323

Seven members were present for the regular school board meeting on Dec. 18. Public hearings of Health Life/Safety/Funds for Dunlap Grade School and for the 2024 District Tax Levy were presented and accepted by the board without discussion.

Superintendent Dr. Scott Dearman reported on bids for building the Athletic Training Center. He also explained Dunlap’s participation in Illinois Vision 2030, which promotes collaboration and unity with educational organizations across the state.

Members unanimously approved the grade school health/life/safety resolution, board policy updates, 2025-26 high school course guide updates, and the 2024 tax levy. The approved 2024 tax levy is $47,349,478, with a tax rate of 4.436.

Springdale Cemetery

Springdale Cemetery Board met Dec. 16; members Kathy Ma, Joyce Harant and Robert Wilton were absent. New General Manager Aaron Comte reported seven burials in November, and 116 to date, which is on par with the last 10 years.

A job description to replace a departing office employee will include experience in sales, genealogy, and administrative duties.

A plan is in place to secure wifi for the building and phone updates.

Engineers are needed for a study of road conditions in the cemetery. Estimated cost is $37,000 to $55,000, to be covered by a grant.

Damage from a delivery truck hitting the gutter on the administration building was covered by insurance. The building needs roof repairs, not associated with the delivery truck incident.

Some benches ordered for the Prairie Garden arrived damaged; replacements are expected. For safety reasons, stairs will be placed on the slope from the garden to the scattering garden.

Placement of an access road is being studied for the area north of the savannah. An on-site walk through will be done with representatives from the Peoria Park District to discuss maintenance boundaries for cemetery mowing.

Tri-County Planning

A quorum was present on Dec. 4 for the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission meeting.

Commissioners approved Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) amendments for FY2025-28. Some 19 applications had been received last April seeking those federal transportation funds. The local technical committee recommended which projects would receive the funding. (That includes three projects in Peoria; one project each in Peoria Heights, Pekin, East Peoria, GPMTD/CityLink, Morton, Tazewell County, and Washington.) There was discussion on the selection process; Executive Director Eric Miller felt it to be a good process. Average daily traffic, capacity, safety, and multi-modal use were considerations.

Commissioners passed a resolution for an intergovernmental agreement with Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to support Phase 3 of a regional water supply planning process. The Tri-County area is part of the Middle Illinois Basin region, which is one of five regions in this process. Phase 3 includes the assessment of municipal water system resiliency and management practices, identification of priority aquifer recharge areas, development of a future drought planning framework, and investigation of the relationship between water supply and regional economic development decisions. Work will be done in-house at a cost of $18,000 in 2025, $36,000 in 2026, and $18,000 in 2027.

Election Commission

The Peoria County Board of Election Commissioners met Jan. 14 for their regular monthly meeting. Because the City of Peoria is the only part of the County to hold a primary and ballots cannot be printed until that vote is certified, residents cannot vote early until March 17.

The third drop box location will remain at the Peoria Civic Center for now. Peoria Public Library has decided that it does not want a drop box at the Lincoln Branch. A new location will be determined later.

League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria observers attend and report on local government meetings. For more information, check  out

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