Serendipity: Welcome Amelie Estelle!

Dear Amelie Estelle,

When your Daddy greeted your Papa and me in the hospital room while holding you, my heart skipped a beat. I’ve seen him with his newborn nieces and nephews, but you are his first newborn daughter and the memory of you two together is forever etched in my mind.

Welcome to our family, sweet angel girl. You are immensely blessed with loving parents and older brother, a host of devoted family and friends, and five enthusiastic cousins eager to meet and hold you and vie for your future smiles and attention.

For years, Amelie, I have anticipated your arrival. Your Daddy grew up with two younger sisters whom he teased mercilessly and payback time is inevitable. I hope you are a sensitive little soul who will seek solace from him. I’d love to hear him explain to you about people’s often unintentional hurtful words or actions, and how to manage disappointments, and that older brothers are likeable individuals. He has the full scoop on the latter! I likely won’t get to hear him deliver those wise words, but maybe you and I can collaborate and you tell me what he says.

Your birth on April 15th climaxed months of waiting and speculating. Who will she look like and what color will her hair be? Truth be told, it’s still speculation. You will always be coming into your own, and while those cosmetic details may help identify you, it’s what’s in your heart and soul that will define you.

Your genetic pool is awesome. You’ll learn fashion and flair from your beautiful Mommy, and she’ll show you that loving, affirming circumstances are instrumental in allowing the best that’s inside a person to emerge and grace the world. Your Daddy will introduce you to the profound love and delight between a dog and its person, and to perseverance, whether it’s in rooting for the Chicago Cubs or working a budget or regaling others with the awesome piano music he plays.

Children try to determine which of their parents is the easy touch when it comes to asking for privileges or clumsily explaining about “mishaps.” I’ll save you time and effort, Amelie, by assuring you such strategizing will be wasted energy on your part. Your parents are a devoted, determined, dedicated team and they’ll love you enough to follow through on even the toughest of decisions. But if you don’t believe me, ask your brother.

Even though you live many miles away, distance need not interfere with our remaining close. I envision time with just you, shared vacations with your cousins, and bridging distances between us with celebrations at your house, my house, and stops in between. When loved ones prioritize spending time together, it will happen.

Right now everyone is photographing and recording your latest move and expression. Such continual attention won’t last forever, Amelie. We will never love you less, we’ll simply give you the opportunity to create your place in the world. Enjoy the adventures and challenges that life offers.Never let fear alone rule your decisions. Be a person of integrity, faith, and kindness. Be a woman of your word, and love generously. Don’t believe or act as if you are the center of the universe, but always remember you are loved and celebrated in fullest measure.

Our gratitude for you will never cease, and your Papa and I will love you forever, sweet girl,

Your Grammie

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