Guest Editorials

Great Guns!

Ed Klein, Peoria, IL

It’s sad to see those Republicans who are pandering to his eminence, Wayne LaPierre, as they kneel to kiss his ring. What hold does he have on them that they fear to disagree with the NRA gospel? The thought that they might lose votes if they fail to shill for the NRA? Assuming they still have some vestiges of their reasoning ability intact, do they really think that a heavily-armed populace is the way most of us want America to go? What they’re showing us is a lack of integrity, and little ability to be guided by any higher instincts. We wonder at their cowardice in prostrating themselves before a bunch of rabid bullies. 90% of Americans favor comprehensive background checks for gun buyers. As elected representatives of that 90% do they think we are so stupid that we’ll forget their duplicity at election time?

Mr. LaPierre attempts to convince us that background checks wouldn’t have prevented Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson and other shooting tragedies. My question to you, Mr. LaPierre is, how in the hell do you know that? Frankly, I think he’s starting to see the handwriting on the wall and is afraid of what it is saying. As a result, he’ll say anything, do anything, and tell lies, and hope that by sheer bombast, we’ll believe him.

The NRA, I fear, has become a religion of idol worshippers. Their idol, of course, being the gun, and their holy book the Second Amendment, which they use to proselytize those unsaved who allow themselves to be bamboozled by the message of fear the NRA is peddling. Their modus operandi is to sell us on the idea that we are in mortal danger from lawless groups – including the US government – who have one purpose in mind, and that is to take away our freedoms. But – not to worry – the NRA has the answer: a gun in every home. I have yet to hear them say anything about universal firearm training or classes in responsible gun handling. That’s something to think about when putting powerful weapons in inexperienced people’s hands.

On the other end of the spectrum, a group known as The Sandy Hook Promise has dedicated itself to common sense gun control measures. This movement is growing, along with other groups and individuals who, while fighting for sensible gun legislation, do not … I repeat not … want to take our Second Amendment rights away or confiscate anyone’s weapons.

These groups don’t have the big bucks or resort to deceptive bombast like the NRA. But, what they do have is a sense of obligation to promote the safety of peace-loving Americans, along with the moral integrity, common sense, and the ability to recognize that living in the kind of fear-driven society the NRA wants to create is no way to live at all.

Welcome to the Women’s Liberation Movement, Congressman

by Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL

Paul Ryan recently expounded on the kind of America he wants: One in which abortion is not just illegal, but one in which abortion is not even considered!!!

Ever since we gained The Vote, we have struggled against cultural and legal barriers which keep women making desperate choices. One of them is the desperate choice of abortion.

Ryan has referred to his moral standards as being Catholic social teaching (however there are many who see those as more like Ayn Rand’s!).

Many women try very hard to fulfill the traditional roles of mother and homemakers, while holding down outside jobs. Congressman Ryan, how did you vote on the Equal Pay Act during the President’s first term? How does Ryan vote on issues important to homemakers? In the 1970’s, NOW issued a Homemaker’s Bill of Rights. Ryan should check that out.

He has much Unlearning, as well as Learning to do if he wants an America in which abortion is NOT EVEN CONSIDERED!!!

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