Too bad …

It was a surprise and disappointing to learn that Suzie Wolstenholm was withdrawing from the race for a seat on the board of District 150. She would’ve been an excellent board member. She’s intelligent, not prone to be a “group thinker,” has experience in finance, a long-time Peorian, and a parent with children in District 150. She not only has all those credentials, far exceeding those of Laura Petelle, in my opinion. Additionally, Suzie has been involved in school activities as a parent at Von Steuben and Washington for years, unlike the incumbent.


I don’t know the exact reasons for Suzie’s decision to quit the race, but it is what it is. The unfortunate part of the announcement is it’s too late for someone to replace her on the ballot. A write-in candidate isn’t even possible. Still, voters have a choice. Wolstenholm’s name remains on the ballot. If voters are happy and satisfied with what’s going on in District 150 they can vote for Petelle. If not, they can vote for Wolstenholm. Petelle’s failure to be re-elected would send a message to the board as they ponder making the appointment. They wouldn’t name Petelle would they? They need new blood on the board; someone without baggage. If the Peoria Journal’s Pam Adams lived in the district they could name her since it seems she’s been campaigning for Petelle through her one-sided and partisan articles.


   District 150 Superintendent Grenita Lathan slammed her critics recently by claiming they want the schools to fail. Her critics were quick to denounce what one termed “a total falsehood.” It’s amazing to this writer, who’s also a District 150 taxpayer, that someone who gets paid with tax money would “bite the hand that feeds her.” I’m not surprised
that she would say something so insulting given the incredulous support she receives from members of the school board. To a person, the school board has given her a blank check in public relations. In the corporate world she would probably be fired by now or at least called on the carpet. Let’s look at the scorecard under Lathan.

* Secret negotiations to sell Peoria Stadium without disclosure to neighbors.

* The removal of one of the most popular and successful school principals in the district.

* Implementation of a P Card charge system for 54 administrators with questionable charges such as gift cards, late evening meals, candy, Halloween costumes, school uniforms,
undocumented and/or missing receipts.

* A perceived culture of intimidation.

* Purchases made without bids. Interested people, like Sharon Crews, a retired teacher, have been investigating purchases made by those possessing P Cards. Crews has spent hours, days and weeks reviewing purchases. She’s concerned. “I’m not accusing anyone of criminal acts, but there are many red flags that raise questions; serious questions.” Crews has presented information to State’s Attorney Jerry Brady and his staff for review.

The information Sharon Crews has received through the Freedom of Information Act has been distributed to board members. I’ve seen this information. I’ve read much of it. If Rick Cloyd, Laura Petelle and other board members can sit there and not be concerned enough to start asking questions, they should resign. One of the first questions to ask is, “Thirty receipts for $28,997.02 in expenditures are missing. What were they for and where are they?” A second question should be,” Why have card members failed to use the district’s federal ID tax number that to date has cost taxpayers at least $30,000?”


Meanwhile, new information has been uncovered by the release of documents through a series of Freedom of Information requests. Charter Oak principal John Wetterauer and two of his teachers were penalized for a variety of infractions regarding testing for special education students. Wetteraurer was transferred to Woodruff and the teachers were also transferred to other schools. However, similar infractions allegedly took place at Lincoln School involving 41 students. One teacher was suspended for a short period of time and the principal received no penalty. Unlike Charter Oak School, from what I was told, there was no investigation, no students were questioned, and no public meetings were held. The FOIA also revealed similar problems at Harrison School without the due diligence done at Charter Oak. Why the difference in the treatment of personnel?

Then there’s the matter of 33 students who were retained by their teachers. Data suggests they were passed on to a higher grade by someone other than the teachers. Who was that someone and why was it done?

Perhaps there are legitimate answers to these questions posed by former teachers and others who know the system, the process, the appropriate procedures. It’ll be very interesting to see what Jerry Brady concludes after his office reviews all of the papers he received from Crews and Terry Knapp.


Peoria’s daily newspaper reported under Grenita Lathan there have been changes of leadership at 24 of 27 schools.

5 principals resigned

2 principals retired early

1 principal reassigned

7 principals demoted

1 principal fired

3 assistant principals demoted

4 central office administrators resigned or were demoted

Supporters of the Superintendent would probably praise her for these wholesale management changes. Others might say, “What in the hell is going on?” unless you’re a board member.


At a recent public meeting, board member Martha Ross let people know they don’t rubber stamp administration requests, saying “we know about things long before we come to the meeting.” Critics of District 150 report the agenda items are quickly passed. There’s little discussion and virtually no disagreement. This raises the question, “Are board members meeting and/or talking about agenda subjects prior to open meetings? If so, they’re violating the Open Meetings Act. Having served on the County Board for 22 years, plus five years on Peoria’s Zoning Board of Appeals as well as the Health Board for a few years, I know it’s impossible to come to a meeting with all the information to know exactly how to vote without hearing thoughts and explanations from others.

In other public bodies, members raise questions and listen to others in an open meeting format before voting. Do District 150 members, then, talk with each other in private? Could be because the open meetings are far too brief and without a lot of discussion.


After 13 years with District 150, Chanell Henley has resigned. Chanell has been the pleasant greeter when you first walk into district offices. By all accounts, she has been an excellent employee until an alleged set of new standards were established for her daily performance at Wisconsin “headquarters.” I don’t have her permission to talk about the circumstances for her resignation based on the rumors I heard. So, I won’t. But I extend best wishes


Amidst booming fireworks that lit up the Peoria Civic Center and its basketball court, Bradley University introduced its new mascot, Kaboom, before the Braves played Wichita State, the number two team in the nation. Kaboom is a gargoyle, but by now you know that as do millions in the country. One national sports commentator, the far left Keith Olbermann, lambasted Kaboom, but who cares what this political loon thinks. I don’t. I think the gargoyle is ugly while the name is cute for basketball…not so for soccer, baseball, swimming, golf, tennis, or any other sports event. So what happens to Kaboon for those events? Does he or she go into hibernation? Most students liked the “thing” while many adults sported raised eyebrows. I still like the Indian Brave and the hell with the NCAA. Why not recruit someone with a strong Indian bloodline who supports the tribute to Indian ancestry to serve as the Brave mascot? I know. Someone will shoot arrows into that idea, pardon the pun. The jury is still out on Kaboon. I think the marketing folks are hoping Kaboon will grow on you. Fans are hoping the basketball team will be better next year.


There are con artists everywhere on the Internet from alleged poor people seeking money from foreign countries to special charities or causes in this country. I just received an opportunity from an alumni scammer from Spokane, Washington, to get 50% off the Woodruff Alumni annual membership. It said click here to get your $10.00 annual membership. Apparently, the idiot didn’t know I’m president of the Woodruff High School Alumni Association and no such offer exists and if it did, it would come from Peoria and Woodruff. Consider how much money this scammer is making if the scheme is set up for hundreds of high schools in the country. By the way, our annual membership is $15.00.  Anyway, be aware of this scam for your high school.


”The Board’s disrespect and callousness for parents’ unquestioning solidarity behind her recommendations; and, most recently, her disparaging words about the people of Peoria not wanting the district to succeed, have raised serious questions regarding the ability of the Superintendent and/or Board to effectively lead the district.”

– Retired District 150 Administrators


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