Spring is the season of hope and anticipation. The services of Passover and Easter at the beginning of April allowed for hundreds of Central Illinoisans and people across the country to celebrate in their synagogues and churches. The Pope’s Easter message of peace in the Middle East is a true message of hope. Spring brings the beginning of the baseball season and for every Cub, White Sox and Cardinal fan a hope and dream for a World Series championship. Spring brings the end to a very cold and snowy winter and a long professional basketball season and the NCAA Championship games. The spring rains and abundant sunshine bring Mother Nature’s opportunity for the beauty and magic of cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. and the buds and blooming of our trees, daffodils and beautifully colored tulips. Spring brings the days to celebrate our wonderful mothers and fathers. Spring brings the celebrations of our graduates from grade schools, high schools and colleges. Spring is much more than a season following winter. Spring provides the opportunity to again enjoy the great outdoors and celebrate our friends and neighbors. Happy Spring! Enjoy!
Bad news for our farmers
For our farmers who are beginning the planting season, the news from China about a 25 percent tariff on soybeans is devastating. As I wrote last month, the 25 percent tariff imposed by President Trump on aluminum and steel is a terrible trade policy. China is the largest consumer of U.S. soybeans, buying about one third of all U. S. soybean production each year. The American Soybean Association, a lobbying group that represents 20,000-plus soybean producers, has asked the Trump Administration to withdraw its proposed tariffs. Perhaps, by the time this column is printed, the Trump Administration will figure out how harmful these tariffs are to our friends in agriculture. To quote from my April column “this is a trade war we cannot win.” Perhaps this will not be such a happy spring for our friends and neighbors in agriculture.