The West Peoria Neighborhood Watch invites everyone to its 18th annual “Night Out Against Crime” 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 15 at Franciscan Park. Play games, jump in the GaGa Pit, explore the armored vehicle Bearcat from the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office, visit West Peoria’s fire engine and ambulance, enjoy face painting, gate prizes, hotdogs sno-cones and more.
The West Peoria Residents Association Beautification Committee will present the Beauty Award to the resident with the most improved lawn at its meeting at 6 p.m. Sept. 20 meeting in City Hall. The association has positions to be filled on its board. If interested, please take your resume to the meeting. Interested in our community? This is an opportunity to learn about your neighborhood as well as the larger community, meet other interested people and help improve our living in West Peoria.
On Nov. 9, 1992, the City of West Peoria held is first council meeting where Ordinance 93-01 was passed establishing the government of the City of West Peoria. The Incorporation date is Nov. 8, 1993 following an election when voters of West Peoria Township decided to take the next step and form a city. Since that day, the mayors, council members and city staff worked to serve the residents and plan for the future.
City Administrator, Kinga Krider, is requesting pictures of the city from 1993 until now. She would also like stories, pictures of neighborhood or family events and news articles to help capture the 25 years. If you have ever served on a city committee or the council, share that information with a brief description about your position. Check the city website, www.CityofWestPeoria.com, for more details about the 25th anniversary.
The West Peoria Fire Association is having its annual kids day open house starting at noon Sept. 16.
There is no landscape burning within city limits. The fire department will be called to put out any fires and fines may be issued. Yard waste pickup is every Friday until December.