The West Peoria annual town meeting, as mandated by the federal government for townships to inform citizens of events of the past year, will be 7:30 p.m. April 9 in the township building, 2516 W Rohmann Ave.
West Peoria’s Annual Clean Up Day is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at the City Garage, 1322 W. Hillside Ave. This is for West Peoria residents only. No landscape waste will be accepted. Volunteers are needed. Anyone interested please call Sharon Kennedy at 208-7849. Further inquiries can be directed to the township office at 674-0462.
Lt. Jason Buckley, Search & Rescue for the Sheriff’s Office, reported at the last Neighborhood Watch that criminal activity was low in the area and thanked the neighborhood watchers for help reporting suspicious activity. Jim Bunting, Captain of Sheriff’s Posse, will speak at the April Neighborhood Watch meeting 6 p.m. April 10 at City Hall.
The 2019 consolidated election is April 2. It will be for city and park district positions; polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wards 1 and 2 vote in the city garage; Wards 3 and 4 vote at the Franciscan Center. The next West Peoria Residents meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m.Thursday, April 18 at City Hall. The Beautification Committee will meet to plan the spring and summer schedule for cleaning and planting at the welcome wall and corner of Rohmann and Sterling. Assistance by volunteers is needed. If interested, call Maggie Moore at 673-0535.
“As the Page Turns Book Club” will meet Monday April 15. “An American Childhood” by Annie Dillard will be discussed. For more information call Maggie at 673-0535 or Loretta at 637-0326.
Yard waste pickup this year starts Friday April 5 and runs every Friday until the end of the year. This winter has caused havoc on yards with downed branches. You could start putting them out for collection now. Same rules as last year apply. Check on the city’s website for details. Branches must be cut to no more than 4 feet lengths and bundled.
No solicitation is allowed door to door in West Peoria. If you have a violation, call the Sheriff’s Department at 672-6011. For code violations, call West Peoria, 674-1993 or email code-zoning@cityofwestpeoria.com.
The committee for this year’s 49th Fourth of July parade has met and determined more volunteers are needed. If interested in joining the many opportunities for the parade, contact City Hall to volunteer. Many people are needed for various jobs. If you know a West Peorian who has often participated in our community, nominations for the Grand Marshal will require a short letter describing that person’s efforts over the years along with contact information for both you and that individual. Send your recommendation to Mayor Dillon. The parade brings thousands of visitors to our community. This is the ideal opportunity to showcase West Peoria.