As someone who chaired the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton, I know the turmoil and controversy that politicizing the impeachment process will cause. Our national government will be turned upside down. Our country will be become even more deeply divided than it is currently.
Rather than impeaching President Trump without a conviction –– and in the Republican-controlled Senate there will be no conviction where it would take 67 votes –– I believe Congress should continue to investigate President Trump and his administration’s activities related to Ukraine and Trump’s alleged request to have Ukraine investigate Vice President Biden and his son Hunter Biden
Following the investigation, I believe Congress should present its findings to the American people and let the American people decide at the ballot box a year from now whether President Trump should continue to serve a second term as President.
Congress should spend the remainder of this year passing legislation to promote trade that enables our farmers to have open and strong markets with Canada, Mexico and other countries like China. Also, Congress should pass comprehensive immigration reform that fixes a broken immigration system and allow 12 million undocumented people the legal right to live and work in America. The majority of these 12 million people are doing work Americans do not want to do including landscaping work, services work in hotels and restaurants and picking fruits and vegetables and other agricultural work. These people deserve a path to citizenship.
Congress should pass a transportation and infrastructure bill to fix our crumbling roads, bridges and transit systems. Congress should address the high cost of prescription drugs. Congress should also provide serious and substantial funding by passing an increase in the gasoline tax and indexing it to the cost of living.
We currently have a $2 trillion debt, most of which is owed to China. I have not heard one politician talking about controlling our runaway federal debt. Federal spending is out of control. There is still time for Congress to provide leadership and show the American people they can solve serious problems with serious solutions.
Finally, let me transition to my favorite American holiday, Thanksgiving. This is a time when we come together without the pressure of giving gifts but a time to count our abundant blessings of family and friends and living in a community and a country that cares about our friends and neighbors. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!