With the abundance of social chaos and the political and economic demise from multiple pandemics, there is no surprise that disparity continues to surround our society. These are trying times, and there remains real pain.
However, I am constantly reminded of love that prevails. As I reflect on the pain our country is in and the shadows of lingering ism, I see love in the eyes of the children that brings light into this world. They have no idea that their parents are burned out and the job market doesn’t exist. I see bartenders who are happy to see their patrons return and collect a tip. I see educators who drive by the homes of the scholars they believe in just to see their faces. I see preachers deliver the word virtually and socially distanced. I see politics taking the back seat as seats are shared to talk healing within our communities.
I see love over taking fear as we look for resolutions and move forward from blame.
This is not only in theory. I sat next to a woman and felt the power of Dr. King as the content of my character was held in higher value than the color of my skin.
I see a world filled with love and longing for change.
I see accountability over procedures. Yes, I know we are not there but the passion that we hold under this nation under God makes it possible.
Today we may be reminded of all the destruction around us. The brokenness that yearns for healing, the ism that is missing adjectives.
But as we look forward, there is power in love. Let’s continue to be the change we wish to see in others.
Food for thought. Keeping it real.