In order for society to function, we as a community need to work together in all facets of life.
Having the ability to be that helping hand for one and all brings balance and stability to a community and its inhabitants.
There are almost 8 billion people that reside within this world, yet the irony is that we often feel incredibly alone and distant from others. We feel that we have been conditioned to believe that all we need is God and nothing else. Yet, the Almighty Himself bestowed us with families, friends, colleagues and a beautiful community that we reside in. There is a deeper wisdom within these relationships.
At some point in their lives, everyone faces trials and tribulations. Hence, it is of great importance to be that positive force of helping others in the cycle of life, so when one themself requires assistance, that assistance comes back to them in ways that they wouldn’t have even imagined.
The Almighty states: “Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness.” Quran 5:2
Helping each other is a way to overcome the grief that we may experience, and it most definitely serves as an empowerment to all of society.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon you) states: Whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, the Almighty will grant them ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter. God is engaged in helping His devotees, as long as the they are engaged in helping others.
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 27:36
May the Almighty help us all in the best of forms and inspire us to become that very special helping hand in society; keys to goodness and locks to evil.
Imam Mazhar Mahmood serves as the Director of Religious Affairs at the Islamic Foundation of Peoria and can be found on various social media platforms. You may reach out to him via email at: imam@imammazhar.com.