Serendipity | Seasonal charm



Choosing favorites, whether the categories or items are colors, candy, food, vacation destinations, songs, shoes, or almost any other of the multiple choices is not something I do well. I like a variety of things, places, activities, etc. and I struggle picking favorites. I just can’t do it. With one exception, the seasons of the year, and until just recently I knew exactly my favorite, the two in the middle, and my least favorite. But change is part of life, and I’ve changed my mind. Even I’m surprised!

Spring has always been my favorite. I was born in May, married 23 years later on a beautiful spring day in April, and my youngest child was born in May, four days after my birthday. I love all the promises of spring, and even though sometimes it takes a while for the beautiful weather to get started, the wait is worth it. I remember when I was in grade school, most of my friends were born in the fall of the year. At that time I didn’t like being different than others no matter how small the issue. Fortunately I grew out of that discomfort and later discovered I loved having a spring birthday.

Summer was in second place for my favorite season as I enjoy warm weather, the many activities available, being out of school and having the privilege of staying up late and sleeping late in the morning, the extra daylight hours, sitting outside enjoying soft serve ice cream cones, vacations, Girl Scout camp, amusement parks, and later enjoying those same reasons and more with my children. No matter my age, summer offers so much freedom and many opportunities. Outside band concerts, farmers’ markets, garage sales, visiting outside with neighbors, family vacation, star gazing at night under a warm breeze, and feeling like summer would last forever although it never does.

Fall was my number three in the seasonal lineup. I’ve always loved fall, but at various times in my life I’ve spent too much time lamenting the inevitable, which is fall turns into winter which is my least favorite month. But the fall season is filled with exquisite colors, outside temperatures that are near perfection, inside and outside cute and fun decorations, pumpkin everything from beverages to pies, candy galore, ghosts and goblins and many things orange. There’s wiener roasts and roasting marshmallows, hoodies and colorful scarves, warm gloves and hats, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Shopping kickoff, mailboxes full of Christmas cards, making those lists and checking them twice, and last-minute inquiries about who still believes in Santa.

Winter is my least favorite season and I don’t see that ever changing, but I’m trying to be more positive. Some snowfalls are truly beautiful, welcoming a New Year is inspirational, bargain shopping after Christmas and into January is great, watching old family videos and snuggling under warm blankets is sweet entertainment, and those extra minutes of daylight that are noticeable mid-January are inspiring.

This year I’m bumping up fall to second favorite, and summer with its heat and humidity as my third choice. It’s a big decision, but it’s time for a change in my attitude. Whatever the season may we celebrate them all in good health and with much appreciation and anticipation!

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