Come be part of the big celebration. The City of West Peoria is hosting the 50th anniversary of the Fourth of July parade this year. Volunteers are needed to help with various tasks from being certain parade entries flow smoothly to assisting at the judges’ table. This year commemorative T-shirts will be available. There are many places you can help both before and on the Fourth. To volunteer, call today (309) 674-1993 or for more information, visit the City’s website at www.cityofwestpeoria.org. You are truly needed! You can also begin your planning to have your residence and yard “spiffed up” when warm weather arrives.
Remember that all streets in West Peoria are considered snow routes. When 2 inches or more are predicted, all vehicles must be removed from the streets. Pay attention to your local forecasters. Vehicles are to be off the streets once the 2 inches fall until 12 hours after the snowstorm. All vehicles obstructing snow removal will be towed at owner’s expense. No exceptions!
Henry Strube has retired as the City’s Public Works Manager. He maintained our City very well for his eighteen years. Charles Hess has been appointed the new public Works Manager. We wish both men well.
The pandemic and cold weather has impacted many plans for activities and meetings this winter. To keep current with scheduled activities, check the City’s website for updated information.
CityLink on the Move
CityLink is planning changes beginning in March after much study, including passenger surveys. Posters of route maps and insets will be available at the transit center and on buses for passengers. Display monitors will present digital information as slide shows as well as media coverage about the new routes. Frequency of routes, and changes of some routes will make the service more efficient. CityLink on the Move can be reviewed on the CityLink website, ridecitylink.org. Frequent riders, drivers and schedulers all had input into this change.
The Western Ave. Greenway borders West Peoria across Western Ave. and is certainly an asset to our community and is maintained by volunteers and financed by donations. Bradley students have scheduled a workday from 9 a.m.-noon April 30. Offer your help. Mark your calendar and visit the Greenway that morning. Bring your lawn tools. Take a walk/stroll through the Greenway and enjoy this entrance to West Peoria. It doesn’t have to be an organized workday to do a little volunteering there or to visit the Greenway.
Enjoy West Peoria thinking ahead to summer and the 50th Fourth of July here. This is an opportunity to bring three generations together who have enjoyed this in the past.