When public officials collaborate to make government more effective, flag it.
Hence, three cheers for a new method of collecting real estate taxes prompted by the Peoria County Treasurer and Peoria Township Collector.
Stephen Morris, Township Collector, recommended all in-person property taxes be paid at the Peoria County Courthouse instead of City Hall — which could save $40,000 annually.
Beginning in May, property taxes can be paid in-person at Peoria County Treasurer Nicole Bjerke’s office or local participating banks. Most taxpayers pay via mortgage, bank or mail anyway. For the few who pay in-person, Bjerke’s office is a block away from Morris’ at City Hall.
Peoria City Council
On March 8, councilors settled the Johnson v. City of Peoria lawsuit in the shooting death of Eddie Russell for $415,000. In 2017, Russell was involved in a two-hour standoff with police after a bank robbery. The state’s attorney at that time found excessive force was not used by law enforcement. The city opted to settle rather than extend an adversarial lawsuit.
The Council also voted unanimously to approve the Springdale Cemetery Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). (See Springdale below.)
On March 22, council members heard an overview of a small business program providing funds for recovery support, income, start-up and harm identification to qualifying businesses. About $2.2 million in funding from Cares Act and American Rescue Plan (ARP) will be available each year in 2022 and 2023. They also heard about ARP funding for housing needs.
After deferring it March 8, councilors voted 8-3 to waive the city’s right of first refusal to purchase the Spirit of Peoria riverboat. Councilors Beth Jensen, Zach Oyler and Charles Grayeb were opposed. Disappointment was expressed about the lack of information available.
Peoria County Board
On March 10, members approved the sale of Heddington Oaks to UnityPoint Health for use as a child and adolescent mental/behavioral health and substance abuse hub for prevention, treatment and recovery.
Dr. Keith Knepp, UnityPoint Health-Central Illinois CEO, and Martha Herm, past UnityPlace board chair, encouraged the sale. Several members had reservations about the low price and remaining bond payments, but the final vote to approve was unanimous.
Members also unanimously approved the Springdale IGA.
Election Commission
On March 8, commissioners learned the new voting system was arriving. After testing to assure it works properly, there would be training for staff and a mock election to train judges. Director Tom Bride said check-in seems the slowest point of the process. The old equipment goes back to the vendor for recycling.
Housing Authority
In a 17-minute meeting on March 7, commissioners approved minutes and the consent agenda and heard CEO Jackie Newman report demolition of Taft Homes should be completed in 2022. There was no discussion on the CEO search; meeting reports appeared unavailable for viewing. The board went into closed session to discuss real estate.
Peoria Park District
On March 9, trustees voted unanimously to accept the Springdale IGA, putting the Savannah area into permanent environmental stewardship.
Signage is being developed to identify 25 tree species in high-traffic areas of the park.
On March 23, Superintendent of Human Resources Shalesse Pie said staff have attended high school and career fairs to recruit for 230 full-time, part-time and seasonal positions. PPD’s website lists all job openings on an interactive interface with benefits and information on the hiring process.
Springdale Cemetery
On March 15, Springdale Cemetary Authority General Manager Mark Matuszak offered details about the 10-year IGA approved unanimously by the city, county and park district:
- Over eight years, the county’s contribution rises from $60,000 to $120,000 annually. The city averaged about $230,000.
- PPD continues to contribute $40,000 annually. However, PPD will buy the Savannah — which is on the National Register of Historic Places — for $1. Maintenance is expected to cost $20,000 annually.
- Effective in September, the city will have five trustees, county will have two trustees, PPD and Springdale Foundation will have one each. The Foundation will donate $25,000 annually.
Matuszak needs six committed volunteers to maintain Soldiers Hill. Some original volunteers are in their 90s.
Sanitary District
On March 15, trustees heard from a St. Vincent de Paul volunteer who asked bills be sent to renters. Currently only owners receive bills, although utility costs may be the renters’ responsibility. Renters may not know of problems until nearing shut-off.
The district has applied for a grant to cover 70% of improvements on its levee to meet federal guidelines for a 100-year flood event. Flooding has increased. Employees once needed a boat to get to the plant.
League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria observers attend and report on local government meetings. Check https://www.lwvgp.org/news/category/observer-reports-logo.