Mornings are perfectly charming times if the sun is shining and there’s no rush to be somewhere within 45 minutes. I’m not one who opens my eyes, jumps out of bed, and is ready to begin the day. I have nothing in common with someone who can manage all that in 60 seconds or less. I prefer to think some, welcome the day, recall what’s scheduled, and reconfirm whether last night’s plans for today still sound reasonable. If they do, then let the day officially begin and I’ll do my best to keep up.
If someone asked me if I like to travel, I’d immediately say yes. The destination is not as important as the company. Well, usually it isn’t, as I’m not keen on riding and traveling with just anyone. I want to know how I need to prepare for my companion or multiple companions. This particular morning I felt secure about who I was sharing space with and how to behave. I felt confident all was good as I had succeeded in being on time for a 7 a.m. departure. I’m an early riser, but that’s much different than early out the door. So the sun was shining, the luggage fit comfortably, snacks were remembered, and it was pleasantly cool out. Three of us were in the car, my husband, my younger daughter, and me. We were still in the garage, checking our inventory, having not even started to back up, and we hear, “Make a U-turn when possible.” Really? That would result in us ending up in the middle of our kitchen as we reconsider our dilemma.
A navigator I am not, but even I realize we might not be headed in the right direction if we follow those instructions. For me, that would not be unusual, but typically even I get farther than the garage door. My husband is the driver for this outing with the hope that we’ll arrive safely and in good spirits. He has considerable experience on the open road and I feel confident when he’s in the driver’s seat. But like most men he is not a fan of asking directions should he get turned around. It doesn’t happen often, but we have visited unplanned destinations because of a wrong turn. The simple solution of asking someone how to get somewhere is not part of the male psyche. I may not share that explanation with everyone, but there are many females likely shaking their heads up and down right now. We can commiserate for sure.
Once we are on the road and headed toward our destination, and we agree on the tunes we’ll listen to, and when the first bathroom break will be, we settle in comfortably. We’ll be meeting up with other family along the way, and it’s always a contest of sorts to determine who’ll want to stop first. The morning coffee drinkers, of course, followed by those who skipped breakfast. Most of the beginning drive is familiar territory with laughter and the happiness derived from being with family. We have miles to go for sure, but it gives us more time to create tomorrow’s memories on the road.
Happy Summertime Fun and may we all find convenient places for a U-turn that does not involve the kitchen!