I hope readers of this column joined with the millions who watched across the nation the CBS-TV Saturday morning, July 15, show which featured my brother, Zack Monroe.
Produced and narrated by Kris Van Cleave, the six-minute report provided details of an incident in the summer of 1962 when Zack was pitching with the San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast League. During his final year in professional baseball, Zack was approached by a 10-year-old boy who wanted to learn how to pitch. He gave the youngster, Merl Ledford, some tips about pitching and life. Sixty-one years later, Merl decided to thank Zack for his kindness.
As described in my column last month, Major League Baseball and CBS decided it was a story worth telling on national television. And so it was thanks to a crew of professionals who flew into Peoria and taped the person-to-person meeting held at Alexander’s Steak House. The crew also captured Zack and Merl’s visit to Dozer Park to take in some minor league baseball.
Special thanks to Van Cleave and the camera crew and to CBS Saturday Morning hosts Jeff Glor, Michelle Miller, and Dana Jacobson for not only the intro for the feature package, but their kind and personal compliments after the video about Zack and how good he sounded and looked for age 92. I also thank Jeff Lantz, Senior Manager, Communications, Major League Baseball, for his tireless efforts to locate Zack.

Merl Ledord, left, traveled from California to meet former San Diego Padres pitcher Zack Monroe, 92, in Peoria last month. CBS-TV was there for the remarkable reunion, which brought the pair together for the first time in more than 60 years.
The Monroe family is grateful and appreciative for the many phone calls and emails sent from friends all over the country after the piece ran. It was disappointing that no one in the local media, beyond this column and my morning show on WAZU-FM, covered the feature story about a Major League pitcher from Peoria who made national news. WMBD-TV, the CBS affiliate, even failed to acknowledge it.
For those who missed it, the news story can be seen on Facebook under “Breakfast with Roger and Friends” or just type in CBS-TV Zack Monroe.
More and more people are discovering the rebirth of WOAM-AM, 1350 on the radio dial. Owned by the Nelson Family, the station is playing good music, commercial free, 24/7. The once popular station when it was the home of country music, has had a history of being on and off the air. If you don’t like to hear five to six minutes of commercials every five to six minutes, you’ll enjoy listening to the station. About the only pause in the music comes with the local weather forecast with Melinda Collins.
I also want to give a plug on our morning show, “Breakfast with Roger and Friends.” We’ve added another exciting host, well-known Black comedian, Ed Parker. This talented performer is not only a very funny guy, but has hosted shows around the country featuring popular comedians. Ed is witty, has a contagious laugh, enjoys people and has a strong Christian belief system. You can hear him Tuesday and Wednesday and other mornings as a guest host. Oh yes, we don’t run commercials, but do have sponsors.
Look for city councilman Zach Oyler to announce he’s a candidate for Mayor. That’s a rumor floating around local political circles.
We note he’s trying to get some exposure by running radio ads about his realty business. To be sure, there will be others throwing their hats in the race for Mayor.
Despite efforts to get more information, we still don’t know if Peoria County Auditor Jessica Thomas is receiving regular paychecks after an appeals court ruled she has no job and therefore is not entitled to be paid.
And the warring parties among Peoria County Republicans continues.
The Chuck Weaver group dispute with the Ryan Spain/Steve Morris faction apparently remains, despite neutral attempts to resolve differences. Like on the national scene in both parties as well as in churches, the battle lines are between conservative versus liberal values. There are so many divisions in the entire country one wonders if things will ever calm down.
It was with sadness we reported on our morning show President Biden’s approval to eliminate two important units of the 182nd Air Lift Wing in Bartonville. The decision could cost the Wing more than 200 members. Scheduled for elimination over two years are the 168th and 169th Air Support Operations units and the 566th Air Force Band, one of the top military bands in the country.
The air support squadrons are made up of air controllers who coordinate air support between pilots and troops on the ground. It’s a vital part of America’s military. Republican Congressman Darin LaHood and Democrat Congressman Eric Sorenson agree and are jointly sponsoring legislation to prevent elimination of similar units around the country. Let them know you support their legislation to protect National Guard jobs and our country.
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
— Michael Altschuler