PAUL GORDON: Energy to boot Joe needs to shift focus to MAGA manifestos


So much has happened in the last few weeks it is difficult to know where to start. But if anyone doubted how ugly it can get in politics, 2024 has been a pretty good case study.

Nothing is worse than attempting to assassinate a presidential candidate, regardless of his politics. I am no fan of Donald Trump but I am glad he survived the attempt on his life.

Another prime example of the ugliness of politics was the treatment of Joe Biden by his own party.

President Biden did not do well in the debate against Donald Trump. We know that, and many people, me included, dreaded watching it because we feared that was exactly what would happen. Afterward, Democratic leadership was quick to want him off the ticket despite his myriad of accomplishments in just the last four years and despite the fact — the undisputed fact — that Trump did little but tell lies during the debate.

Other than a few who publicly endorsed Biden staying in, most of those leaders urged — demanded, even — that he step aside because they didn’t think he was up to the task. His performances at rallies after the debate or in a news conference during the NATO conference did nothing to stem that tide and support quickly dried up. That included financial support as donors started burying their hands in their pockets.

President Biden finally succumbed to the pressure; seeing what his defiance toward detractors would mean to the party and its chances in November, he withdrew from the race July 21. That same day he endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, to carry the party’s banner.

Suddenly, those detractors couldn’t get to the microphones fast enough to sing the praises of Joe Biden. They hailed his accomplishments of not only the last four years but of his entire, lengthy political career. And they praised him for “his decision” to do the right thing for the party and thus, the country. To me, it all sounded somewhat empty.

It is true that it was ultimately his decision. His courage in doing what he believed was best for the country should be lauded. But he was really left with no choice and the Democratic leadership knows that; they got their way and put on full display the ugliness of politics.

If that leadership works as hard for Kamala Harris in the coming months as it did against President Biden the past month, they should be celebrating in November.

Running mates are important

By the time this is printed, Harris may have named her running mate. Whomever she picks, the person won’t have any personal baggage with Harris herself.

The same isn’t true with Trump’s choice of J.D. Vance as his running mate. Vance, the first-term senator from Ohio, once was very critical of Trump and everything he stood for. He even referred to himself as a “never Trumpster.” But that changed, of course, when he needed Trump’s help in winning his senate seat.

Trump has overlooked that history (he doesn’t seem to bother much with history, it seems) and chose Vance. He has been sticking with him even though the choice is not a popular one among Republicans. Also, Vance’s stances on issues concerning women, which can be found on Google, won’t help Trump with the undecided crowd.

The choice of running mate hasn’t always seemed to matter much. After all, the elder George Bush got elected in 1988 despite having Dan Quayle as Veep. Then again, a questionable choice can hinder the presidential ticket, such as John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin in 2008.

So the person topping the ticket should be careful in choosing a running mate to make sure they are aligned politically and not offensive to voters.

MAGA Manifesto for 2025

Voters, please take the time in the coming months to find out all you can about Project 2025, the plan for future conservative presidents put together under the banner of the Heritage Foundation. It’s authors include many Trump supporters and appointees.

But scrutiny also needs to be given to Agenda47. That is the plan put together by Trump himself and supported at the GOP convention. It’s like a MAGA Manifesto in that it lays out what will happen if Trump is elected. That includes changes to many current laws and policies dealing with the economy, foreign trade, education and gay rights.

While Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, there are many similarities between it and Agenda47. Many frightening similarities.

Project 2025 is a 900-plus page document but there are many reputable resources out there that have nutshelled it for us.

Let’s all take the time to study these plans to fully understand how they could change our way of life if implemented. Indeed, our Democracy could depend on it.

And finally …

Republicans made a big deal of it when Biden accidentally referred to Ukraine President Zelensky as Russian President Putin.

Why is that worse than Trump paying homage to a fictional serial killer, calling him “the late, great Hannibal Lecter?”

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