If the devil is in details, as they say, you might want to read this very carefully.
Peoria County Board
The Peoria County Board met on Nov. 14 with all members present.
On a 16-2 vote, the board approved the $157.8 million 2025 budget. Members Brian Elsasser and Nate Hoerr voted “no” because they said more should have been done to reduce the county workforce.
All other regular business passed unanimously, including the overall property tax levy of 82.41 cents per $100 assessed valuation, a zoning request in Timber Township, amendments to the county’s financial policies, and tax abatement of 2025 general obligation bonds.
The board received an update from Carle Health representatives on the Trillium Place Young Minds Center located in the former Heddington Oaks facility. The center is open and serving children and adolescents aged 4-17 with mental health and behavioral health concerns.
Highlights of the approved consent agenda include:
- Continued assignment of a deputy sheriff to the DCFS Peoria Field Office Child Protection Division.
- Purchase of five taser units for the Sheriff’s Department.
- Demolition expenses for three unsafe structures in unincorporated areas of the county.
- Fee schedule for the County Recorder/Clerk’s Office.
- Collective bargaining agreement with Teamsters Local 627 PCAPS Unit.
- Construction funding for improvements on Maxwell and Middle Roads, Blue Ridge Road, and Pfeiffer Road, and replacement of damaged guardrails on county highways.
- Transfer of Glen Avenue from University Street to Sheridan Road from the county to the City of Peoria.
- An award of $162,000 to Aupperle & Sons, Inc. to replace the Main Street steps at the Peoria County Courthouse.
Three citizens’ remarks were received concerning possible wind energy towers in western Peoria County near Brimfield, Laura and Princeville. No action on the towers was on the agenda since detailed proposals have not yet been presented to or addressed by the Zoning Board or the County Land Use Committee.
Election Commission
The Peoria County Election Commission met Nov. 12, with Commissioner Rosa Kemper absent. Board members asked about moving the Civic Center drop box, which was used by few people, to possibly the Lincoln Branch Library.
After some discussion, winning designs were chosen for the
“I Voted” sticker design contest. There were only three entries in the adult division — two from the same person — so it was decided the youth contest winner would be on the printed stickers and the runner-up design would be digital for mail-in ballots. The contest was held to mark the Peoria County Election Commission’s 10th anniversary and the Peoria County Bicentennial.
The regular monthly meeting was held Dec. 10. Commissioner Ryan Brady was absent.
Executive Director Elizabeth Gannon reported that moving a drop box from the Civic Center to (possibly) the Lincoln Branch Library could cost $10,000 to $12,000. That includes security, camera, and a concrete pad.
There was discussion of adding another permanent early voting location, perhaps at
ICC North, to lessen the pressure on the Elections Office when a large turnout is expected.
Thirty-one polling places will be available for the Feb. 25 primary; drop boxes will be available two weeks before that date.
Peoria City Council
On Oct. 22, Council approved consent agenda without discussion. Under regular business, Councilors approved:
- A 20-year pre-annexation agreement for property at 1033 E. Mossville Rd. and Route 29 that is non-contiguous with city.
- Demolition of former Salvation Army building, using state grant funding to replace existing shelter for the homeless on the 400 block of NE Jefferson and 401-419 NE Adams St.
Council requested report back on several items during discussion of 2025 revised budget. That includes a breakdown of Hotel, Restaurant, Amusement taxes; $21.8 million outstanding liability related to credit rating, principle and interest debt; food insecurity, American Rescue Plan Act fund spend-down detail, and violence prevention.
On Nov. 12, minutes of Oct. 15 Special City Council and Town Board Proceedings, Oct. 22 City Council Proceedings and Oct. 29 Special City Council Proceedings were approved.
First reading presented on Ordinance amending stormwater utility with recommendation from Finance Director Kyle Cratty to keep rate the same in 2025.
Councilors approved:
- $445,000 in Home Investment Partnership, Community Housing Development Organization Funds to Habitat for Humanity for new single-family homes in 61605 and $500,000 in Community Project Funds through U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Habitat single family homes in 61605.
- Revision to 2025 budget for City of Peoria.
- Special-use outdoor recreation at 9910 Orange Prairie Rd and IL Route 91. Councilor Andre Allen requested privilege of the floor for five neighbors to speak.
- Annexation for property at 9910 Orange Prairie Rd and N. IL Route 91.
One concerned citizen addressed the council.
Dunlap District 323
The regular school board meeting was held Nov. 20 with seven members present.
Superintendent Dr. Scott Dearman reported there would be several administration retirements, emphasizing the need to fill those positions. The district continues to negotiate with the construction companies involved with future district projects.
He announced Dunlap was named one of the Best U.S. High Schools in US News.
Board members questioned the 2025-26 itemized Student Fee Schedule. Among other fees, the high school textbook fee will be $100.
An itemized report of all activity fees will be done soon.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Dr. Matt Andrews presented an overview of the 2024 Illinois School Report card. Highlights include: 93% graduation rate, exemplary rank for high school and commendable rank for grade schools. Also, composite SAT score is 1096 compared to state score of 953. AP performance was 94%. Report shows evidence of increased proficiency in several areas. As mentioned at the last board meeting, the report shows chronic absenteeism was a problem.
CFO Mike McKenzie offered a tax levy presentation including a $47,349,478 proposed levy and a 4.436130% proposed tax rate. Open meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
ICC Board of Trustees
On Nov. 21, the tax levy hearing was called to order before the regular meeting. Since the levy request exceeds 5% from the prior year request, Illinois Central College is required to publish notice and hold a public hearing at the beginning of the November meeting.
No citizens were present to comment. That hearing adjourned at 5:07 p.m..
The 2023-24 audit was clean and completed without issue.
Highlights from reports, information and action items:
- The women’s volleyball team competed in the Elite 8.
- Significant discussion around the clarity of information presented in October about the tax levy — specifically, the need for a levy hearing and adjustments due to county rate changes. Approving the levy requires three actions, which provides support for operations and to pay scheduled debt obligations.
- Setting the levy at a combined educational/operations and maintenance purposes tax rate of 28.79 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation.
- Identifying seven Protection, Health & Safety Projects, and Energy Conservation Projects that total $4,515,619. Some facilities are hazardous according to a study performed by a licensed architect/engineer.
- Hearing this fiscal year requires $53,595,225 for educational purposes and $8,590,523 for operations and maintenance.
Twice a year, the Board is required to review closed session minutes to determine if they are to remain “closed” or be “opened.” Opening minutes for Feb. 17, 2024 and April 18, 2024 amd destruction of the verbatim recordings from November 2022 to April 2023 were approved.
League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria observers attend and report on local government meetings. For more information, check www.lwvgp.org