Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Guest editorials

Out of the Mouths of Babes By Dolores M. Klein Peoria, IL A young actor created a furor recently by telling his young church-going friends not to watch “Two and a Half Men,” his TV show, calling it trash! By…

News Briefs for January

NOROVIRUS: THE “STOMACH FLU” The Peoria City/County Health Department reminds individuals that a norovirus outbreak, also known as the “stomach flu”, does not occur just on cruise ships this time of year. Noroviruses often occur in restaurants, schools, childcare facilities,…

December Happenings

Dec 1 – Christmastime GospelFest – 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. @ Caterpillar Performing Arts Center at Five Points Washington. Call 309-472-0027. Admission: $20/adults, $10/children & students thru high school. Dec 1 – 27th annual Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk for Arthritis…

Guest editorials

Why We Keep on “Keeping On!” Dolores M. Klein Peoria, IL A Texas southerner, Lyndon Johnson, was the President who said “We shall overcome!” on national television – most surely influenced by the Civil Rights Movement. It was President Ronald…