Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Labor Roundup | April 2020

Labor-law reform passes House, stalling in Senate. The Democratic-run U.S. House has approved the Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, the nation’s most comprehensive pro-worker reform in decades. Pro-worker lawmakers and union representatives crafted the measure (HR2474), which would…

Arts Beat | March 2020

Juarez Hawkins

March 9-April 17: 7th Central Time Ceramics exhibit. Bradley University’s Heuser Art Gallery & Hartmann Center Gallery. March 12: “African American Art in Bronzeville.” Lecture by Juarez Hawkins, Chicago artist, curator and professor. 10-11 a.m. Peoria Riverfront Museum; and 6-7…

Labor Roundup | March 2020

Journalists unionizing at Sports Illustrated, alternatives in Phoenix, Miami. Arbitrary firings by a new management firm with no sports news experience, plus an uncertain future relying on “stringers” led more than 90% of the remaining 80 full-time staffers of Sports…

Arts Beat | February 2020

Feb. 6: Nick Sizemore. 9 p.m. Tartan Inn. 966-2444. Feb. 6: “Winter Jam 2020,” featuring Christian recording artists crowder, Hillsong Young & Free, Andy Mineo, Building 429, Red, and more. 7 p.m. Civic Center Arena. 673-3200. Feb. 7-8: New Cats…

Labor Roundup | February 2020

Some 400 bills, many important to workers remain stalled in the GOP-majority Senate, where right-wing Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t schedule them to be heard. Besides the blockade of legislation approved by the House of Representatives or passed out of…