Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Access to safe abortion

The sudden closing of the Whole Woman’s Health clinic, 7405 N. University St., several weeks ago hit at a time when the Illinois Legislature is strengthening and protecting women’s access to safe, legal abortion. Women in Peoria will still be…

Inland Art | Katie Bell

Curator and artist Jessica Bingham just organized her first exhibition at Illinois State University with the work of native Illinoisan, and now Brooklynite, Katie Bell. Bell studied at Knox College and then at Rhode Island School of Art & Design…

Arts Beat | July 2019

July 3: A Killer’s Confession. 7 p.m. Twisted Spoke Saloon. 620-8595. July 3: Peoria Municipal Band. 8 p.m., Glen Oak Park. 691-3318. July 5: Rooster Alley “Live at the 5 Spot.” 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Art Center. 674-6822. July 5: John…

Arts Beat | June 2019

June 1: Heartland Festival Orchestra presents “A Triple Shot of Tchaikovsky.” 7:30 p.m. Five Points Washington. 444-8222. June 1: Black Velvet. 9 p.m. MD’s Sports Bar & Grill. 691-2025. June 1: The Golden Fleece. 10 p.m. Kenny’s Westside Pub. 676-1693.…

Environmental News Briefs

Antibiotic use expands to citrus Antibiotic resistance in humans has been linked to overuse with livestock, but now the EPA is defying objections from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration to allow…

Arts Beat | May 2019

MUSIC May 1 and each Wednesday: John Miller. 6 p.m. Rhythm Kitchen. 676-9668. May 1-17: Gerald M. Brookhart Arts in Education Spring Celebration. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Peoria County Courthouse Plaza. 672-6906. May 1: Bradley String Chamber Music, 7:30 p.m.…

Fair income tax

Learn the truth about the graduated income tax. There are only eight states including Illinois that still have a regressive flat tax that hits low-income and middle-income earners the hardest. Gov. JB Pritzker favors a fair/graduated income tax with high-income…