Author Archive for Bill Knight

Health insurers gouging patients?

Greater Peoria is a medical Mecca, and it also has a significant presence of insurance companies, so one wonders whether there’ll come a time when central Illinois will be Ground Zero for a battle between health providers and health insurers.…

Progressive – and proud of it!

Patience is a virtue, it’s said, and that might be especially true when reform is sought. If progress seems slow, impatience can lead to frustration and worse.Patience is particularly important when conventional wisdom, stereotypes, etc. become obstacles to change. For…

Boycott WEEK advertisers

I’m going to watch a lot of WEEK-TV 25 in the next few weeks. I’m going to watch to see which companies advertise there, because I won’t patronize companies who, with their commercials, enrich a New York corporation that devalues…