Author Archive for contributor

Labor Roundup | October 2019

Union-backed anti-racism demo links white supremacy, Trump. The Teachers, Service Employees, the AFL-CIO and Labor’s Council for Latin American Advancement all backed hundreds of protesters outside the White House after mass murders in El Paso and Dayton. Demonstrators vowed to…

Labor Roundup | September 2019

Miners block train to demand stolen wages. For days last month, Kentucky miners and their families occupied a railroad track, blocking a train that’s loaded with coal the workers dug out of the earth and never got paid for. Mine…

Labor Roundup | August 2019

Wayfair workers walk out over company furnishing border camps. Hundreds of employees of the online home-goods company Wayfair in June walked out to protest its involvement in furnishing border camps. Workers at the firm’s Boston headquarters demanded Wayfair stop furnishing…

OpEd | Gaza: Don’t Blame the Victims

BY DR. JOHN NIXON Israeli narratives and talking points concerning multiple assaults on Gaza are designed to obscure the context of a brutal occupation and blockade and to marginalize the Palestinians as extremist and irrational. Typical explanations given by Israel…

Labor Roundup | July 2019

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is campaigning to build labor support beyond the five unions that backed him in the 2016 presidential race, proposing workers take ownership of individual plants and businesses, out of the hands of the bosses and…