Young Tawin Wattanakit explores the role of civics, civility, and collaboration within a functioning government by imagining a moment in the past and using it to inspire the future
Should our schools hire substitute teachers with degrees from non-accredited institutions? What does that do to the quality of our everyday education; maybe we should treat our accredited subs better
Would you like to be monitored for abuse prevention reasons if you or someone else can’t monitor you? HB2998 would be a positive. However, regarding privacy, I don’t think monitoring is fair to people who don’t like being watched
By shutting down Empower Illinois, kids who have gotten scholarships in previous years may have to go to public schools as Empower Illinois will no longer be funding their tuition
Social media is neither purely bad nor purely good. It can sometimes even be helpful because it is an important way to hear opinions of others. It is vital for us all to understand the impact of how we use social media on a daily basis