
Labor Roundup

News Guild planning moves vs. Wall Street Journal cuts. The News Guild local that represents Wall Street Journal workers is brainstorming over its response to management plans to cut jobs at the business daily. Citing declining ad revenue, WSJ/Dow Jones…

Environmental News Briefs

Dakota Access Pipeline threatens drinking water in Illinois The Prairie Rivers Network has completed an assessment of the Dakota Access Pipeline and found it crosses a number of significant rivers in Illinois and would threaten the water supply of more…

Are the Blood Thinners Advertised on TV Really Better? Paralysis from stroke is a devastating disability commonly caused by blood clots blocking an artery in the brain. Warfarin (Coumadin) was the standard treatment used to prevent or treat these strokes…

Elder Care Concerns: Helplessness

BY DAVE WEIMAN In October, I wrote an article about loneliness, one of the “three plagues” that could potentially affect the well-being of elders. I wrote about another of those plagues, boredom, in November, and this month I’ll  briefly discuss…

IS IT TRUE? Big changes have been taking place at “Big Yellow.” More are planned. It’s only a rumor, but it’s worth repeating. By the year 2020, Caterpillar will be leaving Peoria. According to whispers, the Peoria operations will be…

Evangelicals haven’t really rallied around Trump In the next few weeks, many Americans will give thanks, and the fact that the election will be over will be a blessing to most of us – few more so than Evangelical Christians,…

Climate Change and the Church In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1) Climate change, also called global warming, is the rise in surface temperatures on earth. This warming is caused by humans’ use of fossil…

The sun pokes through a misty October sky on Saturday, Oct. 16. We have 8 miles of roadway pretty much to ourselves as we drive along the levee that surrounds a 2,200 acre body of water known as the South…

Singing or thinking about “Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go,” creates nostalgic feelings and good will regardless of some or no river or woods on the way to Grandma. Interesting to consider if decades…

Soon after the first hard frost of the fall season, the West Peoria Beautification Committee will be clearing flowers from community planters and businesses. Then they will be hanging the garlands and lights for the holiday season. The West Peoria…