The practice of bringing an evergreen tree indoors to celebrate the winter solstice very likely began around the 16th century in Germany. Now conifers and Christmas go together like eggs and Easter; like cake and birthdays, like Molly and Fibber…
City Beat for December 2013
by Billy Dennis • • 0 Comments
Boycott all NFL games As I am writing this, word is that the NFL is telling the Chicago Bears that they are NOT allowed to wear patches promoting Washington High School. This would be a way of showing support for…
Mary had a little lamb
by Cheryl Courtney Semick • • 0 Comments
Enemy forces occupied their country. Without notice, raids infiltrated their towns and their children’s blood ran in the streets. Spies mingled among them as they shopped. Life was not safe when they made their way home. The road was rocky,…
Serendipity for December 2013
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
December 25th is absolutely the day that causes monumental excitement for some, dread for others, enthusiasm for many, fear for a few, and conflicting emotions ranging from wanting the day to end to hoping it will last beyond its 24…
West Peoria news for December 2013
by Sharon McBride • • 0 Comments
The West Peoria Residents Association and co-host Franciscan Recreation Complex invites the community of West Peoria to kick off the Christmas season at the Annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 1st from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. at the Franciscan Recreation…
Laptops vs. Desktops on Selecting Your Computer
by Tammy Finch • • 0 Comments
Around this time of year, people are looking for new computers. Whether it’s for the last minute business expense spending or a generous holiday gift, a computer is a useful and sometimes frustrating tool. Contrary to what some computer dealers…
Lance Armstrong movie connects with Peoria
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
They’re making a movie about Lance Armstrong. You know the amazing cyclist who won the grueling Tour de France a record seven times and then was disqualified for allegedly using chemicals, or doping as it’s called. The movie will star…
50 Years Ago This Month, Innocence Was Lost
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
The week before Thanksgiving in 1963, the Friday-morning weather had some fog and a little drizzle; afternoon temperatures reached the 60s. “It’s true,” I heard from a trembling freshman schoolmate in Latin class, seconds after laughing and saying how I’d…
Closed until further notice
by Dale Goodner • • 0 Comments
There’s a date I won’t soon forget. Tuesday, October 1, 2013. On that day, first thing in the morning, my wife and I entered a restaurant / gift shop in Jacob Lake, Arizona (just a stone’s throw from the north…
White flight doesn’t work
by Billy Dennis • • 0 Comments
Three weeks. Three home invasions in Peoria. Well, actually there have been three home invasions in North Peoria. I’m trying to not chortle, because it really isn’t funny. Whether you live on the South Side or the East Bluff, or…