I was packed for a cruise to the Bahamas when I got the call: Daddy died of a massive heart attack. Details were sketchy, but his last minutes on earth were spent snow-blowing his driveway. This month marks one year…
Serendipity: January beckons with a new month and year
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
Stores open, prices slashed, bonus dollars, later hours, payment plans, never better offers, and the hype continues from late summer through December. Before sales, after sales, lowest prices ever, and while we’re still celebrating one season, we’re shoved into the…
West Peoria News for January 2012
by Sharon McBride • • 0 Comments
Kudos to our very brave Scouts who once again this year braved very frigid (single digit) temperatures to travel through our community to carol. It is always a very pleasant sound to hear their float escorted by the WPFD travel…
An Introduction to Peoria County
by Community Word Staff • • 1 Comment
[Editor’s Note: The Community Word offers this column to various agencies and governmental organizations such as the City and County of Peoria, the Library, etc. in order to inform the public just what it is that they do for our Peoria-area…
Happenings for January 2012
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
January Happenings Jan 2 – May 21 – River Valley Cloggers – weekly at Lakeview YWCA. Clogging instructor is Margie Ashburn. Jan 5 – Proctor Hospital will be hosting the American Red Cross blood drive from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00…
Pat Lewis in, Pat Lewis out
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
Pat Lewis, former administrator for Springdale Cemetery, was excited about his decision to run for a seat on the Peoria County Board. He told me he had been urged to run against fellow Republican Brian Elsasser by both Republicans and…
Fighting Attacks Social Security
by Community Word Staff • • 1 Comment
As winter arrives this month, progressives are stepping up efforts to fight Capitol Hill’s chilling attack on Social Security, and areas such as Greater Peoria are especially vulnerable to a loss of government’s popular and successful program for older Americans,…
Bah … Humbug! Egoism or Altruism
by Dale Goodner • • 1 Comment
My wife, Mary, and I were driving south of Peoria to visit the Emiquon Wetland Restoration and National Wildlife Refuge at Dickson Mounds near Lewistown. It was just before Thanksgiving, and I was looking forward to finding a bunch of…
A few random thoughts running through my head this month …
by Billy Dennis • • 0 Comments
It’s amazing. A couple of years ago, the Peoria County State’s Attorney had some cops arrested and changed with police brutality. The arrest was based on a YouTube video taken immediately after a nighttime race through Peoria’s streets. The convicted…
May we always believe in the magic of love!
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
Dear Santa Claus, Yes, I know you’re a very busy man in December and probably wondering why a woman my age would be writing you a letter. Sentimentality for one reason and a genuine fondness for the season is another.…