
West Peoria News for December

You are invited to the annual Christmas Party given by the West Peoria Resident’s Association co-hosting with the Franciscan Center to start the Holiday Season, on Sunday, December 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Santa will light the Christmas tree…

Musings for December

Here it is the last column of the year and it seems like I just wrote the first one last month. It has been an eventful, exhausting and draining spiritually in so many ways. Both Jason and I have been…

Happenings for December

thru Dec 17 – Candlelight Walks – Recurring weekly on Fri. & Sat. at  Luthy Botanical Gardens. thru Dec 31st – Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre presents “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Recurring weekly on Sun., Thurs.,…

Poor reporting

Pam Adams has written a couple of recent articles in the Journal about changes at Methodist Medical Center. I’m not sure where she’s getting her information, but too many of her statements are false and some are just plainly offensive. Factually,…

Health insurers gouging patients?

Greater Peoria is a medical Mecca, and it also has a significant presence of insurance companies, so one wonders whether there’ll come a time when central Illinois will be Ground Zero for a battle between health providers and health insurers.…

November: Month of the Turkey

My brother in law, John, described a collision with a wild turkey as “cartoon like.” It was an explosion of feathers. The car concealing cloud of plumage may have looked like something from Loony Tunes, but it was far from…

City Beat

I had a little bit of a confrontation. Call it a discussion, if you like. For the past four weeks or so, I’ve been collecting information from daily police reports from the Peoria Police Department and including them in blotter…