I learned about a disgusting incident at Richwoods High School that will probably go unreported. A 17 year old student was the victim of bullying. You know, it’s that activity that even the President of the United States and his…
Smoke & Mirrors: Casinos, State want the moola, no matter who’s hurt
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
I’ve had friends and family who worked at metro Peoria’s Par-A-Dice casino, so I appreciate that it provides jobs and revenue to government, but the legislature’s debate about changing the smoking ban to exclusively benefit gaming interests either oversimplifies or…
Can Chemical Combat Cause Collateral Carnage?
by Dale Goodner • • 0 Comments
It may not be Iraq or Afghanistan, but it is a war of sorts. We’ve come to view such plants as clover, dandelions, and plantain as territorial terrorists. They invade our lawns with flowers and broad leaves, forcing us to…
Peoria won’t have Aaron Schock to kick around anymore — well, most of us
by Billy Dennis • • 0 Comments
Where do you live? If you live in the heart of Peoria, you’ve voting for someone new in 2012. The Democratic Party has released a map of the state’s U.S. Congressional Districts. The good news is that the districts are…
Good news and bad news
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
When it comes to Bradley basketball it seems to be good news, bad news. GOOD NEWS is new Bradley coach Geno Ford was able to retain Jalen Crawford, recruited by the fired Jim Les. The talented guard from Detroit played…
What would a Tea Party-type budget reform mean for Peoria?
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
In mid-April the Peoria Journal Star ran a story about a Tea Party rally that, from the looks of the crowd pictured, barely had more people than the journalists covering it. That’s OK, but there had been mostly silence about a…
Species Detection a Connection to Spring Resurrection
by Dale Goodner • • 0 Comments
The scope looked familiar as we drove by, so I turned the car around and went back. An elderly couple (even older than I) had stopped at a wayside and were looking out over the water with their tripod mounted…
No crime happened in Peoria today … if you believe the Journal Star
by Billy Dennis • • 0 Comments
I did some scanner blogging (I listen to the scanner and post updates to my blog) earlier this month. There was a police chase in which some armed robbery suspects tossed a rifle out of their car. There was a…
The Un-lived Life of Russell Stone a novelette, part five
by Cheryl Courtney Semick • • 0 Comments
At 8 AM, Rachel ushers Mrs. Stone into the Afterglow Room where her staff laid the body of Russell Stone. Candlelight cast a reverent halo around the deceased; soft, ethereal music welcomed the grieving widow. The scene changed quickly. I’m…
Serendipity: Being a Grandmother is a great life
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
She calls me on a Saturday morning to tell me my granddaughter is argumentative, difficult, and sassy. For a moment I think she has the wrong number. Those adjectives don’t describe either of my angel granddaughters. But her familiar voice…