
Happenings for September

SEPTEMBER HAPPENINGS Sept. 3 – 4 – Blues Festival on Peoria Riverfront from 5:00 – 11:00 p.m. Call 671-5555. Sept. 4 – Bryan Bowers Concert at Forest Park Nature Center – at 7:00 p.m. Call 686-3360. Adults- $7.00/Children- $6.00/12 &…

RIP Woodruff High School 1937-2010

Woodruff High School is dead.  Its execution was ordered by District 150 board members David Gorenz, Laura Petelle, Debbie Wolfmeyer and Linda Butler. As a physician, Gorenz lost “the patient;” Petelle, the attorney, pulled the plug; Wolfmeyer, a school secretary,…

Now do you get it?

Sarah Palin has a flair for irony. According to her, the Gulf oil spill illustrates why we should do more drilling.  She points out athe blown out well, and spewing oil, were due, not to inept drilling or lack of…

Freedom’s Price

We the people of the United States will celebrate our independence this month. As we pull out the red, white and blue and make much noise, let’s not just spend the day overindulging in the festivities, waiting for the big…

Musings for July

Another short rain storm this morning, the 26th, and I needed an umbrella to walk Kaja. I simply can not believe that we can absorb so much rain and so much heat. We are going to vaporize in the sun…