As the February primary approaches, one wonders whether candidates who decide to identify with a party research its platform and claims made by its current champions. For instance, GOP apologist Rush Limbaugh praised U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as…
Science Literacy: It’s Not Rocket Science
by Dale Goodner • • 1 Comment
It was so cold for a couple weeks in January, a teenage girl declared, “Global warming, my a_ _!” Aside from the derriere reference, this attitude actually reflects a recent poll indicating increasing numbers of Americans do not believe the…
Sweet Lips
by Cheryl Courtney Semick • • 0 Comments
I embarked on a journey this month; a journey to sweet lips. Now, unless you have done a word study in your Bible on the word “lips” you may not get where I’m going with this. God’s Book has much…