
Straight Talk | Where are the people?

It appears the long-term effects of the pandemic are creating problems beyond the retail and hospitality industries. Much has been written and spoken about labor shortages in restaurants and stores. However, there are difficulties for other businesses and events. Fans…

Bill Knight | Anti-protest laws

The troubling trend of anti-protest legislation is growing, but its recent successes in Republican statehouses isn’t new. There were earlier attempts, including one in Democratic-majority Illinois that failed. Barely. It’s all to chill involvement – “part of a larger trend…

The Watch | Summer in the city

On May 25, the Peoria City Council approved borrowing $15 million from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) State Revolving Fund (SRF) at 1.4% interest. A revolving loan over seven years, the loan will be repaid through new sewer rates.…

Real Talk | Be An Eagle

If you did not have the opportunity to visit the “What I Need Now In The Ninth Grade” (W.I.N.N.I.N.G) Summer School 7-week program led by Carl Cannon’s ELITE Game-changers team, held at Lincoln School, you missed a treat. Carl and…