

My husband and I had been married nearly 18 months when CBS introduced “The Waltons.” It premiered on Thursday, Sept. 14, 1972, and I was an immediate fan. My television viewing is minimal, but I’m loyal to my selections. My…


Our family vacations weren’t intended to become a tradition. They began because travel benefits were part of my husband’s airline employment. Our three children learned early about flying, hotel stays, and visiting family in the D.C. area. They also learned…


Paul Harvey was the original host of a Monday through Friday program called “The Rest of the Story.” It began as part of his newscasts during World War II and later premiered as its own series in 1976 on ABC…


People of certain age, confident I qualify, are advised to engage in health promoting tasks and behaviors for body and brain. These encompass a wide variety, including interaction with others; volunteering; healthy eating; learning new skills; spirituality; walking and other…


Even with limited technology skills, I often use and greatly appreciate the wonders of Google. Entering only part of a quote I remembered, Google responded instantly with missing words and the author’s name. Amazing! That technological capability alone is worth…


Valuable Insights Relearned During 12 Difficult Days Even with only the most basic medical knowledge acquired through the years, I often rely on self-diagnosis. If the condition of my hair or house is disconcerting to me, or I’m bothered that…


Calendars won’t be replaced by electronic devices in my world anytime soon. I realize my preference is not universally shared, and I don’t consider myself resistant to change. But I believe firmly in the adage, “If it isn’t broken, don’t…

Every late October we bring two very large hibiscus plants inside for the winter.  This year we delayed the process a few weeks thanks to extended warm weather.  Eventually frost is predicted and moving inside necessary to keep plants alive. …

Singing or thinking about “Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go,” creates nostalgic feelings and good will regardless of some or no river or woods on the way to Grandma. Interesting to consider if decades…

Heroes are somewhat in short supply these days, say many disappointed and disillusioned folks. Perhaps, although various tragedies have included heroes who helped soften the intensities of loss and devastation. Heroic deeds are often accomplished by unlikely individuals, leaving onlookers…