

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Far More Costly to U.S. Than $340 Billion BY DR. PAUL WINCHESTER, M.D. The author is director of neonatology, St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis, and clinical professor of pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine. A recent study by…


THE FUTURE OF FOOD: A VIEW FROM THE FARM By Dave Bishop   This article has been reprinted with permission from GeneWatch where it was originally published by Council for Responsible Genetics. To find the original and other articles of…


Nutrition, Politics, and the Destruction of Scientific Integrity By T. Colin Campbell, PhD Reprinted with permission from the September issue of The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies newsletter, http://nutritionstudies.org. On Aug. 1, it was 60 years since I…


Chemical Farming Unnecessary and Dangerous   Editor’s note: Industrial agriculture is pushing back against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency after the agency issued a preliminary report reversing its earlier ruling on the safety of atrazine, an herbicide produced by Syngenta.…


Carbon Farming BY DR. MARGARET REEVES Eric Toensmeier’s book, “The Carbon Farming Solution,” is an encouraging and inspiring presentation of the power of regenerative agriculture to reverse climate change within our lifetime. Deftly integrating explanations of science, local knowledge and…


10 corporations own 94 percent of global seed market The Illinois General Assembly has the opportunity to stand up for the seeds this spring. SB3130, sponsored by Sen. Sam McCann and co-sponsored by Sen. Dave Koehler, would exempt noncommercial interpersonal…


Goat Milk Soaps Good for you and for your invisible friends BY JILL BROCKMAN-CUMMINGS Most of us bathe daily using soap and water because, well, germs are bad, right? Wrong! According to recent research into the microbiome—the micro-organisms that call…


UN 2016 International Year of Pulses: The United Nations has designated 2016 the International Year of Pulses, highlighting dried legumes in promoting global sustainability, food security and countering malnutrition. Pulses include dried beans and peas. Pulses are affordable, high in…


YOGA: Good for what ails you? What if we could avoid degenerative bone loss with some simple yoga poses done at home? By Lisa Nelson Raabe I bet you have heard the sound of this word recently – yoga. We…