Editorial Page


They Quote the Bible. So Can We. by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL The fundamentalists feel it gives them a rock-solid argument. To quote them, marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, period. Likewise, contraception is murder. Another period. Since…

Guest editorials

Is ALEC Smart – or NOT? by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL How many of you have heard of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC? Not very many, I’m sure. It is a secretive tax-exempt organization with, as its brochure points out,…

What Was That Again?

by Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Remember when candidate John F. Kennedy, back in the 60’s felt it important to reassure groups of ministers that his being a practicing Catholic would not influence his decisions should be become President? In…

Arrogant Ignorance!

by Sherry Matulis, Peoria, IL With the exception of Ron Paul, who I’m convinced is still a political Libertarian, I’ve found myself pondering whether the Republican candidates for President in their zeal to appeal to the Righteous Right have displayed…