Hats off to WAZU’s morning radio show for the outstanding news coverage; plus sizing up Bradley basketball crowds
Revenues were slightly down, but on pace for year-end with sales tax and state income tax strong.
General Manager Rik Edgar says facility earned $7.3 million; and his staff is also planning for future hurdles
At last, here are a few historic happenings which do not involve global illness … Rita Ali became the first woman and first person of color to serve as Mayor of Peoria when she was sworn in on May 4.…
It’s a gigantic pissing contest between two of Peoria’s major icons. Bradley’s basketball coach is ticked off at the PJ Star sports department. Wardle’s team this year made it to the NCAA tournament and suddenly the coach decided to get…
New challengers for the Peoria City Council are getting ready for 2011 elections. It’s time for (yet) another election. And locals never seem to tire of the campaigning, mudslinging or celebrating with cash bars open ‘til midnight. But celebrations are…