Peoria Players closed its season with an excellent production of the rock musical “Rent” directed by Deric Kimler. The late composer and lyricist, Jonathan Larson, adapted Puccini’s popular opera “La Boheme” into the 1990s avant-garde scene on Manhattan’s Lower East…

Arts Beat

MUSIC July 1: Preston Jackson and Friends. 8 p.m. Rhythm Kitchen Music Café. 676-9668. July 1: The Brazilionaires “Live at the Five Spot.” 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Art Center. 674-6822. July 1-4: Red, White, and BOOM Weekend! Peoria Riverfront. Friday –…

Outside of the Frame Photographers pull an image from the river of time. The result is photograph of one instant and one point of view from a 360-degree world. The skill of the photographer is knowing which moment and angle…

Labor Roundup

Illinois Fire Fighters back bill to end frivolous lawsuits. The Illinois Association of Fire Fighters is backing legislation to end frivolous lawsuits against first responders. SB1070 would restore the state’s “public-duty” rule – letting first responders prioritize resources without fear…

Do you have extra pounds? A low-calorie diet may not be best option If you would like to lose weight, the most common advice is to eat fewer calories and exercise. Unfortunately, 97 percent of people who lose weight gain…

Pillar of West Bluff Named

Golda Ewalt and her husband Bob Streitmatter have been awarded the 2016 “Pillar of the West Bluff” award in recognition of their work with University East Neighborhood Association and for promoting the West Main Street corridor. Ewalt is director of…

Elder Care Concerns

BY DAVE WEIMAN Eating. We do this every day – repeatedly. It is important for obvious reasons. But for residents in skilled nursing homes, it should also be a significant event. Why? Because it needs to be more than the…

Abandoned coal mines dot greater Peoria

This spring Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan demanded that Peabody Energy prove it has the funds necessary to reclaim coal mines if it shuts down, rekindling public concern over abandoned mines and the responsibility for cleaning them up. In her…

Fighting a health crisis with real (verified) food

  LINCOLN – When two-thirds of the residents of Logan County are overweight or obese, it’s apparent a health crisis tsunami is crashing into the local hospital. Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital CEO Dolan Dalpoas clearly saw conventional treatments were not…


“The Great Agnostic,” Robert Ingersoll has been removed from his moorings at the Abingdon Street entrance to Glen Oak Park. Of course, I’m referring to his statue that was placed there Oct. 28, 1911. The statue of the internationally known…

Central Illinois native Dick Stolley’s politeness was key to his getting one of the scoops of the century when he bought the 8mm home movie of the assassination of President Kennedy, he told Terry Bibo when she interviewed him for…

LGBT rights important for the country

LGBT rights important for the country Some states are trying to legally establish who gets to use men’s restrooms and who has the bon fides to use women’s restrooms, but this issue is about a lot more than access to…


Carbon Farming BY DR. MARGARET REEVES Eric Toensmeier’s book, “The Carbon Farming Solution,” is an encouraging and inspiring presentation of the power of regenerative agriculture to reverse climate change within our lifetime. Deftly integrating explanations of science, local knowledge and…


March 15 to July 1 “Purgatory” It is time for Peoria Public Schools to seriously look at how it elects board members. District 150 is an anomaly in the world of school board elections. While the rest of school districts…

Abortion choice within a historical religious perspective For many years, we as a society have wrestled with various ethical issues. As society changes, so do our understanding of many of these issues. One question we have wrestled with and continue…

Sky-dancers The eyes sparkle as tiny hands reach for the earth. Small fingers grasp the succulent stem and pluck from the ground something that was made for picking — a fleshy stalk topped with a ball of white, feathery tufts.…

Youth has enough confidence, energy, and sometimes bravado to believe they alone have discovered the pathway to successful living. They often assume that what’s new is best, sometimes forgetting that previous generations experienced similar sentiments.  Folks with years of experience…