Abortion choice within a historical religious perspective For many years, we as a society have wrestled with various ethical issues. As society changes, so do our understanding of many of these issues. One question we have wrestled with and continue…
Arts Beat
MUSIC June 3: Cousin Eddie “Live at the Five Spot.” 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Art Center. 674-6822. June 3: Skyla Burrell. 8 p.m. Rhythm Kitchen Music Café. 676-9668. June 4: “Carmina Burana.” Heartland Festival Orchestra and the Peoria Area Civic Chorale.…
Labor Roundup
CLUW urges local unions to mentor for women in the workplace. Mentoring is a recognized tool for career and union development, particularly for women, and “mentoring circles” – a group of peers (6–10 people) led by a facilitator – offer…
“The Great Agnostic” removed for restoration
Eureka College students change town ordinance Native plants OKed to replace turf lawn
Power in a small package
GateHouse Score Card: Zero for newsroom; millions for CEO
Last month, Community Word wrote about negotiations between GateHouse Media (New Media) and the Springfield State Journal-Register United Media Guild representing newsroom employees. Since that article ran, GateHouse released its 2015 annual proxy statement listing CEO Kirk Davis receiving a…