All Who Wander Are Not Lost

It was a question I’d heard before. In August I was presenting a bird program when a lady asked, “Is it true that humming birds migrate south by hitching a ride on the backs of Canada geese?” This is a…

Mayor Ardis ran on an anti crime platform in 2005

I was deeply involved in covering the 2005 city council/mayoral elections. At the time, I strongly opposed Dave Ransburg, and I did back Jim Ardis. I liked his strong anti-crime message. I was critical of the Journal Star for accusing Mayor Ardis of…

Which Candidate is More Pro-Life?

Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Neither Governor Romney nor President Obama are “pro-abortion.” When governor Romney of Massachusetts defended Roe-Wade as the law of the land, he was not being pro-abortion. Nor is President Obama in defending Roe-Wade, pro-abortion. When…

When Will We Ever Learn?

Ed Klein, Peoria, IL I hear it more and more, “We have to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and get our troops home.” What people are saying is that it’s not our business to tell the Iraqis and the…

Wire Jewelry

When most girls were playing with dolls, I was rummaging through my Daddy’s wire box in the basement. These multi-colored coated wires of various lengths were abandoned, hopelessly entwined in a huge cardboard box. Most of the wires were white…

West Peoria News for October 2012

Check out the West Peoria 2012 Beautiful Yard winner. The winner is Keith Morrell; the outstanding yard is located at 613 N Sterling, corner of N. Sterling and W. Barker Avenues. The reward was very appropriately given to him. The…

Halloween @ the Library

Oct. 27 – Lincoln Branch @ 2:30 – Princess Pumpkin Party – ages 5 -8. Dress in your Princess costume! Oct. 29  at Lincoln Branch from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  “Zombie Night @ the Library” for 6th – 12th graders.…

Proctor Center offers classes on youth boxing

Learn the fundamentals of boxing from a USA licensed boxing professional at Proctor Recreation Center with our new Boxing Techniques classes for youth ages 10 – 18. Classes will teach endurance, cardio, power and strength. Workouts include the heavy bag,…