I was banned — City Beat March 2010

I suppose I have no choice but to comment on what happened to me last month’s at Peoria School District 150 headquarters. I was banned. Or more accurately, I was prevented from attending a press conference. Only it wasn’t a…

Stop Playing Politics With Our Lives!

by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL Does anybody remember what John F. Kennedy, our first Catholic president, said to those concerned that the Vatican would be dictating U.S. policy? “I believe in an America,” he said, “where no Catholic prelate would…

West Peoria News for March 2010

The West Peoria Neighborhood Watch will meet Wednesday, March 10th at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Lt. Hartwig will continue his talk on self defense – don’t miss it. A Neighborhood Watch word of caution: Beware of door-to-door solicitors. Keep…

Get ready for spring greening

Is anyone ready for the “greening” of spring? It seems that winter, and its accompanying snow, has graced us with its presence long enough. In order to paint some “green” thoughts for you, The Peoria County Office would like to…

Foundation Hosts Free Estate Planning Seminars

The Proctor Health Care Foundation will host a free estate planning seminar on Tuesday, March 30, and again Tuesday, April 6, from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Classroom I of the Proctor Professional Building (adjacent hospital) at 5409 N. Knoxville Avenue. The…

Candle your eggs before cooking

When most of us kids heard that the stock market had crashed, we just assumed it was the old auction barn across the river. There had been high winds the day before and severe damage was reported. After the fall…

Musings for March 2010

I missed another month’s column in February, because I was careless, forgetful and busy. I have definitely decided to pull back a little and schedule fewer hours outside my home. I love doing all that I do, but it is…

Peoria Park District News for March 2010

Peoria Park District Golf Season Tickets Peoria Park District Golf season tickets go on sale at the Golf Learning Center on Friday, February 19. Proof of residency required for resident rates. Non-resident $725 Resident $495 Senior resident (65+) $440 Junior…

Obama’s Former U.S. Senate Seat Up for Grabs

Leaders on both sides of the aisle are touting their platforms as they prep for the face-off in February’s upcoming primary. With a nearly decade-old war, an egregious federal deficit, and a health care bill floundering in conference committee, public…

Are Abe and Teddy still bigger than Mark and Aaron?

As the February primary approaches, one wonders whether candidates who decide to identify with a party research its platform and claims made by its current champions. For instance, GOP apologist Rush Limbaugh praised U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as…

Science Literacy: It’s Not Rocket Science

It was so cold for a couple weeks in January, a teenage girl declared, “Global warming, my a_ _!” Aside from the derriere reference, this attitude actually reflects a recent poll indicating increasing numbers of Americans do not believe the…