The Peoria Park District and some area state lawmakers held a news conference announcing plans to develop a new $4 million golf learning center thanks to a state grant. This will not be an ordinary facility. After all, the district…
The Watch: County refinances Heddington Oaks, Elizabeth Gannon new Executive Director of Election Commission
City of Peoria launches program focused on housing rehab
Applications are now available for the 2022 Housing Rehabilitation Program, which provides a 50/50 matching grant of up to $15,000 of assistance to property owners of single-family residential properties within Qualified Census Tracts (QCT). Developed by the Community Development Department…
Labor Roundup: Union approval highest in more than 50 years
Pro-union support highest since 1965: Gallup. Public support for unions has hit its highest point since 1965, the Gallup Organization reported, as 71% of respondents approve of unions. The all-time record in the union poll, which started in 1936, is…