No cases have been detected in Illinois yet, but at least three dairy workers nationwide have been infected with H5N1, which seems to pass from species to species
Nature Rambles: Seventeen-year, 13-year and annual cicadas, oh my
Heat Waves — In Red & Black: Further thoughts on angst of our climate scientists
WTVP probe(s) wrapping up
Public-TV station learning from lessons learned the past year. Meanwhile, business at the annual meeting included changing one board member, retaining a second who’ll continue as treasurer, and losing a key employee to retirement.
The Watch: Solar farms on horizon; police cams on lookout
West Peoria News: Summer celebrations build strong bonds
PEORIA ACADEMY JOURNALISM CLUB: HB2998 To monitor or not to monitor assisted living homes
BILL KNIGHT: Campus protests are less rites of passage than rites of passions
EMILY GILL: Eradicating right to abortion Supreme dilemma in the First
PAUL GORDON: Convictions sad scenario for U.S. history
Will GFL build a landfill?
Timeline for GFL and its CEO
Landfill #3 was anticipated to be in operation by this year, but it’s not even started. In April, Peoria County served GFL a breach-of-contract notice, but weeks later GFL representatives, including Dovigi, reportedly said it honors its contracts.
ARTS ALERTS: ‘Through a Feminine Lens’ this month at Foster Gallery; ‘Streets Belong to Me’ on July 3 at Glen Oak; ‘The Little Mermaid’ at Peoria Players; Corn Stock presents ‘Oliver’
Nathan Taylor & Friends performing July 12 at Contemporary Art Center; Tres Rojas Winery featuring Barry Cloyd on on July 19; Dave Hoffman & Friends return to the CIJS stage at Trailside Event center on July 21; ‘Fragrance of Praise’ gospel show featuring Darius D. Darling and others, scheduled for July 26 at the 3300 Event Center.
Inland Art: Historical works in Peoria
Nature Rambles: Snakes! On the road
Finally, Big Oil facing days in court
There are more than 30 cases filed by state attorneys general, cities, counties and tribal nations against companies including Exxon Mobil, BP and Shell. Many show oil companies’ own research projecting the dangers of climate change decades ago, after which the industry denied the threat and attacked scientific consensus about the crisis
State releasing grant to WTVP
Sen. Koehler helps release more than $300,000 that could soon help public TV station address some of its infrastructure and technological needs
Heat Waves — In Red & Black: Survey says scientists fear climate chaos
The Lion’s Den: Labels have helped us feed our narratives
Letters: Funding the war machine, Speaker Johnson, is the easy part
“We have always been at war with Eurasia,” — 1984, George Orwell